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Old 06-19-2013, 11:04 AM   #1
Lt. JG
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Default Best outdrive angle

The owner's manual for my 2300 SR bowrider suggests that there is a "drive trim angle" at which the boat does best. Is there some way to determine what that angle is. I imagine that it would vary with weight distribution and weather the fat lady sits in the bow or at the stern but are there any indicators, or general guidelines, to let me know when I'm on target. I don't have trim tabs.

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Old 06-19-2013, 11:38 AM   #2
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JG, you are correct all those things plus sea condition impact best trim angle. You just need to play around under all these varing conditions to learn how the boat reacts and eventually you will know the trim you perfer as these conditions change.

1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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Old 06-19-2013, 01:12 PM   #3

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When off plane, the drive should be all the way IN. Trim is really only used for being up on plane. There really isnt' a good middle ground, either your up on plane or your not. Halfway in between is just ridiculous and a huge waste of fuel. I'd start by counting the number of 'clicks' up and down the drive takes. Then once up on plane, start clicking the drive out once click at a time. Watch the Tach. and you should see the RPM's increase slightly. Keep doing this until either the RPMs stop increasing, or the drive cavitates. Click down immeidately if that starts, you're out too far. You'll get the feel for about how many clicks it takes. If you don't have tabs, you might need to trim in more when it rough to get the bow down.

Also note if your porpoising too much. That is usually a condition of too much trim out. trim tabgs or smart tabs would help this condition.
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Old 06-19-2013, 01:22 PM   #4

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Mike's got it, John.

Once on plane, with 2-4 on board and in realtively calm water, I can normally run our 2400 SC3 with the drive trimmed all the way up to the limit and using only enough starboard tab to level the boat. As long as I don't turn too sharply the props stay hooked up.

We were out this past Sunday on the Potomac River with 7 on board; 5 wimmin and two men, in a 1-2 foot chop. I had to keep the tabs buried because of the chop. I could only manage to trim up about half way to the limit because otherwise the props would cavitate, and just slight turns would also make them cavitate. I finally gave up and just ran it with the drive down.

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Old 06-19-2013, 02:33 PM   #5
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All these ways are what you should be doing or how to tell you are in your sweet spot. I still use a visual of watching the wash of the water when I look down to my right (as the driver) and look for the wash to be right along side of me. I am usually dead on as far as the trim and tabs (if you have them) are set.

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