09-13-2010, 07:47 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Posts: 710
bad quality.......
am i crazy......(some would say......yes) or is everything my foult.......as in an other topic already said that my 2009 2400 sc3 has a very thin layer of gel coat, i checked my boat and found several problems at it....
cracks at the entrance near the door
cracks at the standing side of the swim platform near the ladder (and it did'nt bounced against something else)
cracks near the black stripe at the left side
cleats that ratteled loose and damaged the gel coat and cracked it
left down under...the dash part just next to the door to the sleeping part....a big blushed corner with no gel coat and no fiber any more (there was yust a thin layer of gel coat with nothing under it but when i cleaned this part with a sponge it said crack and there was a hole)
the window that can be opent won't close good anymore.... it's hanging oblique, the stainless steel grip at the left side wich holds the window is is not good mounted on the wall next to the entrance of the sleeping part.....
the shaft of my chair that has to be used for changing the position is broken at the end so i can pull it out of the rail
and more of these irritating things......
am i the only one in the world.....it's making me a little bit angry.....sorry for the guys from maxum that they lost their jobs, but to me... i think they were totally not interested anymore what they were doing the last year (2009) this is my 5th maxum and i never had this before....al my other maxums were of an acceptable quality but this one sucks....and the dealer here in the netherlands says.......oooowww we have to contact the states if it is quaranty......f..k these guys also....i am pissed off....brought the boat back this last weekend, and they react like the boat coasted just a few bucks......so i should not complain........
to be continued........
greatz, ed
09-13-2010, 08:52 PM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 5,715
I would not say you are crazy. I'm also not clear on the dealer's position on this. Boat's from the same manufacturer should vary in cost by size, not by quality. Are they contending that if you had bought a larger boat and spent more money the quality would be better? That is ridiculous. I have seen some symptoms of what you've (and others have described) in my boat as well, though mine was built in 1997. I don't think you're being unrealistic in expecting these things to work correctly after such a short time. The structure of the boat should be holding up IMHO.
09-13-2010, 09:41 PM
Lt. Commander
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Ventura County, CA
Posts: 153
Hang in there Ed. Sounds to me like most of your complaints should be covered under the warranty. Don't let the dealer push you around - be firm but polite (I am sure that you are both!). They should do their best to make a loyal Maxum owner like you satisfied, whether or not the Maxum line is still in production. If the dealer doesn't make things right under the warranty (if applicable) go above their heads. Write or contact Maxum / Brunswick / US Marine direct. I have a much smaller model than you but I have had just a few minor, but very annoying, workmanship issues ALL of which have been resolved at no cost to me - except for increased blood pressure from time to time! My problems were the result of the DEALER not the factory because they involved dealer installed items (stereo, remotes, bimini). I got the dealer to send out an independent mechanic / tech (used to work for Mercury) to the house to do the work so I didn't have to trailer the boat 90 miles to them (after the first time). I really like the tech. He is good guy, knows his stuff and very helpful. I like him so much that I am using him to do the routine maintenance on my boat that I am paying for to help him with his new business. Good luck to you Ed and I would like to be a fly on the wall when you are talking to your dealer!!
So. Cal.
Same admiral since 1973
New Boat 8/13/11: Chaparral 206SSI with 5.0 VP GXI SX
Prior Boat: 2008 Maxum 1900SR3, 4.3L V6 190HP, Alpha 1 (great boat)
2010 Ford 150 XLT Super Crew 5.4L V-8, tow package
2008 Infiniti G-35
09-23-2010, 03:46 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Posts: 710
well......my next problem is born with this boat.........
after i picked it up last weekend from the dealer i heard a strange noise out of the motor compartiment...... i listend and listend.....no it's coming from the back.......whatcould it be......to me it looked like if there was a problem with the drive rod........so i called the dealer.....and told him how the noise sounded........well he said.......
probable the gimbal bearing is broken.......so come back then we can repair it.........
if been back now for three times....a few minor problems are solved.......but the big problem.....the cracks in the polyester and now this are still there........does it have to take 2 weeks to get an answer from the US about the quaranty on the cracks.......and now the guaranty on the motor
a boat of less than a year old with so many problems............ i'm already thinking of dumping it and buy an other boat........because this is making me very angry......as i already told you guys.....boats in holland are twice more expensive than in the states...........what have they done at the maxum factory the last year........building boats ?????????? dont think so.......
greatz, ed
09-27-2010, 06:02 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Posts: 710
so after almost 3 weeks still no answer of my dealer about the cracks....and about the motor problem....????? i talked to him today after the stingray dealer in my hometown had listened to the strange noise the motor produces. the stingray dealer thinks that the problem is in the tail and it's not the gimbal bearing....he also said.......dont take her out for a trip any more.....
my dealer is not very helpfull because he says......bring the boat to us......you can take her out over water to amsterdam......while the stingray mecanic man says, dont take the risk.......i asked my dealer to pick the boat at my harbour....then he said,.....thats not the way it works....while he nows that i have a trailer, that is'nt allowed to be on the highways and that i have to go to the hospital this week for an operation that will keep me off the street for about 3 months
i'm gettin high blood pressure from this company.........
greatz, ed
09-27-2010, 06:51 PM
Lt. Commander
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 139
Ed, I see your blood pressure rising but let me forewarn you against one thing. Your dealer and mfr will look for any possible excuse to not be liable for any warrantied items. DO NOT let anyone other than your dealer work on your boat out of haste or lack of patience until issues resolved. It would be so easy for the dealer/mfr to say that you had a non mfr authorized person work on your boat and possibly void the warranty. Secondly make sure all matters are documented, even if it's an email to your dealer saying 'heres an email outlining our discussion, for our mutual agreement.' I don't know how legal things work over there, but here it's all in writing to CYA (cover your ar$e).
Prior boat: 1999 Maxum 2400SCR (I loved that boat but the wife made me get bigger). Current: '96 Carver 325 aft cabin.
11-02-2010, 11:07 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Posts: 710
hai di ho folks.......i'm home but in a very bad condition .........but within 4 or 5 months i'll hope to be in good shape again (and my wife also, if you know what i mean, because i have been operated totally 5 times on the inside of my ass, and everything that could go wrong did go wrong so no fun and s.x at all.)
but now back to the boat......after i phoned and sended a mail to brunswick wich they sended also to my dealer here in the netherlands, my wife received a call from them ( my dealer) that the would pick the boat up somewere half october. so now she ( not my wife of course ) is standing at the dealer location waiting for repair.....and if the are cleaver (wich i doubt) they will repair at the same time the other things wich i told them to do....and if thy don't, i wont take my boat back and start e-mailing with brunswick again.....untill all the problems are resolved.....i am a nice guy, but at the moment they think to play dirty tricks with me.............they better can hide themselves because i'll destroy them (the same as i did with my bed in the hospital, because i could not stand the pain any more and the let me wait and wait for more than 45 minutes for my morfine injection, but after the injection i fell in to a deep sleep and they had to lay me in a brand new bed because the other one was ready for demolition).....
greatz, from still morfy ed( a little bit stoned because of all the medicines....but glad to be back)
11-02-2010, 08:42 PM
Lt. Commander
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Ventura County, CA
Posts: 153
Sorry to hear about your health issues. I wish you a complete and speedy recovery so you can get back to giving your dealer a hard time about the boat issues. Get well, get back on the water......
So. Cal.
Same admiral since 1973
New Boat 8/13/11: Chaparral 206SSI with 5.0 VP GXI SX
Prior Boat: 2008 Maxum 1900SR3, 4.3L V6 190HP, Alpha 1 (great boat)
2010 Ford 150 XLT Super Crew 5.4L V-8, tow package
2008 Infiniti G-35
11-02-2010, 10:04 PM
Lt. JG
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 19
Workmanship on the Maxum's is pretty much @$%#...I also have hairline cracks on the top of my hull in certain places, but I'm not sure what the previous owner did.
If you ever get to work in places that you don't see, like under the dash, you'll understand. Screws not fully inserted, bad wiring, finishing...etc.
Good luck...I'm not sure how the same company can produce so many lines with such diversity in quality?? Searay is much better quality???
11-02-2010, 10:36 PM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Everett Wa
Posts: 4,681
really sorry to hear that your having a heckuva time with your health
I sure hope you recover back to your ole self...I was wondering what happened too you... 
please keep us informed (no pic's please  )
take care and let us know how the boat work is progressing...
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 
SSN683 Association member 
Par Excellence
2008 Bayliner 340 - "Wild Whim"
I live in my own little world....but it's okay-they know me here!!!
Avid practitioner of the martial art: KLIK-PAO. 
Anyone that sez "Size doesn't matter" has never owned a boat!
11-03-2010, 12:33 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Posts: 710
Originally Posted by seapuppy
please keep us informed (no pic's please  )
i have pics but if you see them you won't eat for the rest of the day.......so if you'r ready willing to start a diet...let me know.....
greatz, ed
11-03-2010, 12:46 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Posts: 710
Originally Posted by RoyR
Workmanship on the Maxum's is pretty much @$%#...I also have hairline cracks on the top of my hull in certain places, but I'm not sure what the previous owner did.
If you ever get to work in places that you don't see, like under the dash, you'll understand. Screws not fully inserted, bad wiring, finishing...etc.
Good luck...I'm not sure how the same company can produce so many lines with such diversity in quality?? Searay is much better quality???
hai roy.....
i completely agree with you but years ago this was'nt happening at all, if i knew these things before (the way they worked the last period, i would never have bought a maxum again......and spended my money at an other brand.....
greatz, ed
11-10-2010, 12:12 AM
Lt. JG
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 19
Originally Posted by ed & inge
hai roy.....
i completely agree with you but years ago this was'nt happening at all, if i knew these things before (the way they worked the last period, i would never have bought a maxum again......and spended my money at an other brand.....
greatz, ed
Unfortunately the market has dropped out of boats, so it's difficult to sell our toys and buy better ones...
11-10-2010, 09:46 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Posts: 710
hai roy...
here in holland the market for boats is not as bad as in the usa, they only are sold against other prices than a few yeaers ago....
but some news about my complains of my boat......during my stay at the hospital they picked up the boat and repaired al the things i told them, only the could not find the strange sound in the motor/tail. after talking more then half an hour to the mecanic men he said to me......we put the boat one more time in the water when you come and then tell us what you hear......because we can't find anything.....so i said oke call me when you have the time to do it, and then i'll be with you to let you know what i hear.....
so i'll wait for a phone and let you know the follow up
greatz, eddy murphy(ne)
12-17-2010, 07:22 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Posts: 710
****, after 3 months of investigations, repairs and al the other things they had to do at my boat, today would be the day that the dealer should brought my boat back to my home.......and quess what happend today...........today early in the morning we had a snowdrop within a few hours 10 to 15 inches of snow on the most places in the netherlands,........frozen roads and at the top almost 600 miles cars, standing in line who could not get for- or backwards, in other words...a complete mess in holland....and no boat at home.......next appointment will be 2011, when the snow ans ice is gone.....and as the weather forecast tells that could take some months......and i have so many things to do.............ggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
greatz, ed
12-17-2010, 08:36 PM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Everett Wa
Posts: 4,681
oh man....must be some of that Al Gore global warming they keep talking about....
well..might as well relax and do some of those winter things you guys in Holland do....whatever that is....
keep us posted..
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 
SSN683 Association member 
Par Excellence
2008 Bayliner 340 - "Wild Whim"
I live in my own little world....but it's okay-they know me here!!!
Avid practitioner of the martial art: KLIK-PAO. 
Anyone that sez "Size doesn't matter" has never owned a boat!
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