well...finally home!!.....not the boat..us....
got the wife up this morning at about 5am and grabbed a shower..and got underway to go see the boat which is quite a heckuva day to get there and back...
so..stopped off at jack in the box for a quick breakfast...and drove the 1.2 hrs north to anacortes wa. to catch the ferry to orcas island...
it was about as foggy as I had ever seen on the water..the ferry was about 20min late....we finally got loaded onto the ferry and headed to orcas island...the ride was slow due to fog ....finally got there after about an hr and half ride or so...then drove to the marina where the boat is being repaired.....
we walked in and all the hull work has been completed....we found the fiberglasser in the engine bay putting on the final coat of gelcoat in the engine bay...he came out to talk us thru what he had to do...it was shocking.....the 340 was put together with about 3/8" of fiberglass and resin...it was mainly resin....the guys called it an eggshell....oh it was strong and probably wouldn't have had any issues as long as we didn't hit anything...well....we did and according to scott the glasser....we split the hull about 10 ft from the transom.......he had to grind off about 2" of keep to get to clean glass and then build it back up layer by overlapping layer....it was amazing how thick he made it..it's actually about an inch thick now....the fuel tank is totally intact..so...they didn't have to replace the tank...the bulkhead just aft of the genny is what was split..so they had to cut that out and reglass a new section in.....
then we spoke about putting in another bilge pump in the fwd end of the engine bay...he's going to install it on a hot wire to the batt with a fusable link....no switch...and then plumb it to the stbd side of the engine bay.....
we also met up with Ian, the forman...we talked about a few things and the work should be completed within 2 weeks...........
I'm hoping the whole mess is done before we can get up there to seatrail the boat and bring it home...
speaking to another person..they had never seen a boat with this much damage and a broken drive with the bellows pulled almost all the way out...it didn't pop off or split...if it had ...the boat would have surely sunk....the bellows was stretched almost to the limit.....probably why it had a 3" tear in it ..which is where the water was coming into the engine bay.....
so....with the grace of god I didn't sink her....and the boat is being repaired stronger than it came from the factory......the new drives were still in the boxes.....along with the new transom ring and assy....also the new coupler was in the box....the old coupler was totally trashed...
just letting you guys know what's happening...
on a side note....I'd asked (which was actually offered) david meeks (who lives up there ) to stop buy if he got a chance and check on it...well...evidently he'd stopped by a couple of times....the girls at the marina knew him and told me he'd stopped by....I found where he was working at island hardware, and introduced myself and marsha...we had a fun time introducing ourselves to David and yacking for a bit in his office..
we then agreed to buy him lunch at Rubio's (I think that was the name of the rest.????)
wasn't bad food and David is a Great guy .....I can't thank him enough for checking on Wild Whim and sending me pic's of how things are going.....the lunch was the least I could do.....
we parted the restaurant where david went back to work...and we headed back to the ferry landing to head home....it was a VERY long day but at least I got there to meet up with the maintenance crew and kinda kick the cage a bit.....
here's some photo's of the progress

what's left of the drive

another photo of what's left of the stbd drive..

the keel has been built up to over an inch thick...

looking thru the cutout into the engine bay at the genny..
what's left of the stbd engine...the coupler is destroyed....there is a new one in a box with the new drives ready to go...
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

SSN683 Association member

Par Excellence
2008 Bayliner 340 - "Wild Whim"
I live in my own little world....but it's okay-they know me here!!!
Avid practitioner of the martial art: KLIK-PAO.

Anyone that sez "Size doesn't matter" has never owned a boat!