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Old 08-12-2011, 10:55 PM   #1

Join Date: Jun 2008
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Cool backing up

It feels like I get less tight turn radius in reverse on the port side than I do on starboard side can that be so .2400 scr 5.7l bravo3 .I find it hard to back into a slip when I need more of a tight turn to control it in a small slip .and no wind . ????????

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Old 08-12-2011, 11:51 PM   #2
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It's probably got something to do with the torque/rotation of the props being more "responsive" one direction versus another. Physics says one can't help but experience more "suck" when cranked hard-over to a particular side, which would be especially more noticeable during very slow speeds which we do in reverse. Kind of like when an engine gets revved on a high-powered car, and the car sways from side to side while sitting still---the boat's going to experience greater "suction" in one particular direction due to the physics of how a propeller turns. There's probably a technical name for it... bet SeaPuppy knows! Plus you're "steering" from the opposite "end" of the boat than you are when you're moving forward... a concept I think we all forget when we engage reverse.

My two-cents worth...

Jeff Means
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Old 08-14-2011, 07:57 PM   #3
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The turn will always be greater on a single prop to one side (rotation of the prop normally clockwise) i can turn sharp right with no probs at tickover which is the opposite way to the turn i need to fit the tight gap of our pontoon just one of those things you have to get used to and use wind and tide to aid the turn.
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Old 08-15-2011, 01:20 PM   #4

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Is actually an interesting question. I can certainly wrap my head around it when we're talking single props but the Bravo III has 2 props and they counter-rotate, which effectively eliminates prop walk.

In Cunuck's case I guess I'd start by measuring the full port and full starboard swing of the drive to ensure there isn't some mechanical limitation.

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