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Old 03-18-2007, 08:42 PM   #1

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Default all my mod's worked!!

...this weekend was crazy....we got off work and decided to have a shakedown cruise for all the mods I did on the boat...we got to the boat and it was cold...but what the hey...we decided to go for it...ran home and got our food and gear...ran to the boat and headed out to the Everett marina...when we got there we were shocked ...it was full!!..the guest docks were all taken up with an American Tug float in....nice boats and people but the it was tough getting a slip...we had the last one on the north dock....well..what the hey...we were on the boat...so...the next morning we moved to the party barge....
well..all the mods we had worked great....the engine and genny worked like a charm...smooth and nice...the window I added didn't leak at all .....so.,....that mod had me worried...and the lights on the swim step performed....the new impeller worked like a charm...engine ran right at 175 with no hint of over heating....and even met Submariner and his family....they boated out to the marina and stopped by to introduce themselves .....nice folks.....glad you guys stopped by to meet us......great weekend inspite of the weather being crappy...hope everyone had a great weekend...it's boating season ...get out there and have some adventures to post here!!!......

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Old 03-19-2007, 01:56 AM   #2
Lt. JG
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Default Re: all my mod's worked!!

Originally Posted by seapuppy
...engine rain right at 175 with now hint of heating....and even met Submariner and his family....they boated out to the marina and stopped by to introduce themselves .....nice folks.....glad you guys stopped by to meet us......great weekend inspite of the weather being crappy...hope everyone had a great weekend...it's boating season ...get out there and have some adventures to post here!!!......
It was great to meet you as well. Looking at your boat made me wish my kids were 18, out of the house, so I could go buy the Maxum 26 footer. As long as I have kids, I need water sports.

We were headed to dinner when we met you last night. The Everett Marina shopping center was PACKED. Athony's Homeport had no availability until 9pm were told so we ended up at Athonys Wood Fire grill which was just as good. I was also shocked with how crowded everything was for a March weekend.

We headed out to sea this morning at 6:00am, with a bazillion other boats down to possession bar. There's just nothing else like it when you're doing 30kts across glass. No wind, slack high tide, it's better than a lake. But for whatever reason, we didn't catch anything. I still have not figured out this Blackmouth fishing. We were trolling 50 yards behind another fishing boat, in a 20 minute period he pulled in 3 fish (all undersized) and we didn't get a single bite. Obviously I had not the right dept, not the right lure, or I just don't know what I'm doing.

I'm really hoping my Garmin 440s shows up in the next week or two to help me see my downrigger ball depth and maybe get a bit better at fishing the right depth. Right now I'm just guessing based on my depth sounder which is not always accurate anyway.

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Old 03-19-2007, 03:47 AM   #3

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Default submariner..

wish I could help out about the fishing but I have no idea why all the guys were out there...figured it was some sort of salmon or something...
by the way...what's with the name of submariner.??...I used to design submarines and surface combat ships for 17 yrs...last boat was SSN 21 class boats...

sorry I didn't give a tour of our boat ..it was the first cruise and pretty
dirty....cuz of the rain...I couldn't even wash the boat!!....

hope to meet up with you guys again on the
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
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Old 03-19-2007, 05:35 AM   #4
Lt. JG
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Posts: 19
Default Re: submariner..

Originally Posted by seapuppy
by the way...what's with the name of submariner.??...I used to design submarines and surface combat ships for 17 yrs...last boat was SSN 21 class boats...

sorry I didn't give a tour of our boat ..it was the first cruise and pretty
dirty....cuz of the rain...I couldn't even wash the boat!!....

hope to meet up with you guys again on the
I spent 8 years 2 months and 19 days in the US Navy. I've been through their Nuclear Power program, spent a year on the USS Tinosa, SSN 606 (594 class), decommissioned her, and then spent 6 years on the USS Georiga, SSBN 729 (726 class). I was a mechanic, but ended up doing mostly QAI work (keep water out of the people tank we used to say). So I've spent a lot of time at sea, in deep water. Though this is the first boat I've owned. Now I work on computer networks for a living.

We'll meet up again. We were pressed for time as well yesterday as we were on our way to dinner. Salmon season is still going on, next is shrimp, then crab and more salmon. I'm contemplating buying a season pass to Everett boat launch. Right now I'm also scoping out the people season. How crowded things get, when are the best times to use the ramp, when are they the busiest, when will you find yourself without any guest moorage, etc...

I really like Everett's boat launch and marina. Plus they're close to the fish and close to the San Juan's.
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Old 03-19-2007, 01:07 PM   #5

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Default sub..

wellllllll coooool!!!....I know alot about keeping water out of the people tank!!....we designed to subsafe....I started out at mare island Navshpyd back in the 80's.....job was working in 2340 test reactor plant ops/test..
then moved to elect. design...did that for the rest of my time in ship design....great to meet up with a fellow bubble head.....
yep...we keep our boat up in dagmars....saves wear and tear on the hull....we make runs to the SJ's often...hope you have a great time killing all those fish!!..haha....
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