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Old 12-08-2015, 10:57 AM   #1
Lt. Commander
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Default Aft anchoring

Do any of you, anchor off the aft end after you secure the bow anchor?
Just curious?
If you do, how, and what type?


Jim Crews
2002 Sea Ray 340 DA
1992 Maxum 2300SR
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Old 12-08-2015, 12:50 PM   #2
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Never do it for an overnight, I want to be able to swing with tide/wind.

During the day I do, putting the stern to the beach... I use a small Danforth with 75' of rode (no chain).

If there is no wind/current I just set the bow hook (a little further out to allow for tide dropping), then back down to set the stern hook..(I do toss it although others will say it's not best practice/recommended) .
Then adjust bow/stern lines to get the desired position. Again, this is during the day, so I'm able to adjust the lines as the tides/wind change...

If I've got current/wind, I approach the location into the wind/current (whichever has the most effect on the boat). In my case, current runs parallel to the beach and has the most effect....So procedure is..

Approach location parallel to the beach and out enough to allow for a decent amount of scope on the bow anchor.
Set the bow anchor normally and pay out the scope needed to "swing" to the desired spot.(plus a little slack).

Then I turn towards the beach and power forward keeping the anchor line tight.
The bow anchor serves as the pivot point and I'm powering around it's arc to the desired location. (keeping the line tight avoids fouling the props)

I'll power around the arc until just past the spot I want to finally rest, and toss out the stern hook. Once it's set, I deploy a bit of extra line and take up any slack on the bow anchor, adjusting both until I'm happy with the final position.

I've seen others do this opposite, but I prefer not to have the stern anchor line near my wheels if I still have to maneuver. They get in really close and set the stern hook and pay out a lot of rode to then power forward to set the bow hook.

I also like the extra safety net having the bow hook set, as if I lose a power, I'll just swing back out and be anchored normally.


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Old 12-08-2015, 01:29 PM   #3

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I have, but don't regularly. I prefer to swing with the wind and the tide. This gets air running through the cabin. Plus, less wave noise. where I anchor, if you anchor too close too shore, you risk getting bugs.

If I do, I anchor the bow first, then back to where I want to drop the stern. Then drop the stern and pull the bow slack back in. Let's say I wanted 50' of scope on bow and stern. I'd anchor the bow, reverse and pay out about 110-115 ft of bow line. I drop the stern and the admiral pulls in 50-50 ft. of bow line, while I pay out the line on the stern. Both get pulled tight and cleated.
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Old 12-09-2015, 12:38 AM   #4
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Rarely. We stay out most weekend and run the generator often. I like the wind pushing the the fumes away from the boat.We also like the breeze coming into the cabin through the half open hatches.
David & Carol
Charlotte, NC (Lake Norman)
3700 SCR "Comfortably Numb"
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