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Old 09-09-2020, 04:00 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 3
Default 4100 SCA Windshield needed

I have an odd request. I own a 4100 SCA and the windshield was broken by a rock flying off a viaduct above where I moor the boat in the Seattle area. It is the starboard side front windshield. It turns out they are curved ever so slightly. I have contacted Taylor Made (original supplier). They were originally very responsive but now I cannot get them to reply at all but it sounds like they do not have any remaining inventory of replacement windshields. I know this is a long shot but does anyone know if any new old stock replacements for this glass. It is a custom shaped safety class that I am told has to be Coast Guard approved. I have found a local glass company that specialized in Marine glass but he is estimating something like $5,000.00 for the work!

Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Old 09-10-2020, 01:20 PM   #2

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The sheer number of different windshields for the various models and model years would make it difficult to store even if they just stored Maxum windshields. Imagine the size of the warehouse if there were to attempt to purchase and store a variety of models across a large number of model years for various boat lines. Now consider how frequently a windshield actually breaks. There are many, many, many 20-30 year old boats with their original windshield. You'd have to have a warehouse measured in square acres with very slow sales.

The short answer is, no, this is not common. There are a few companies that specialize in marine 'new-old stock' such as Great Lakes Skipper. There are also a handful of marine salvage yards, but this is literally like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Your best bet is to have one fabricated if you can find someone willing to take on the project.

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Old 09-11-2020, 09:42 PM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: California
Posts: 13
Red face Front Window

Hi there.
We have a 4100 SCB but the front windshields look like they are the same. I have washed our windows many, many times, and I don't know about them being curved. Did you confirm this. I am going to check mine tomorrow when I go out to it!
Whether they are or not, go around to all of the boatyards in your area and ask them for a bid. The place that we haul out and have the bottom painted has all kinds of connections for everything imaginable. We had two windows replaced by them. (I have also found that as soon as you say "for a boat" to people who don’t normally work on them, the price goes up and up.) I know the back window is expensive and curved, (one person that had to replace it said it was about $5000.00,) but the front one, in my opinion, should not be. Either way, check at all the local boatyards. They are used to fixing all kinds of things for the insurance companies. Also, if you are going through insurance, see if they have a "go to" boat yard. Good luck!!
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Old 09-15-2020, 05:44 PM   #4
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 251

One option would but to cut then heat/bend Lexan.. It's much better than plexiglass. I know you would rather have glass but it's a cheap option to get you by for the time being.
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Old 09-17-2020, 08:41 PM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 3

Thanks for your reply.
I am curious, did you check yours with a straight edge when you went out to your boat last time?, I thought they were flat too but then used a straight and learned otherwise. I have gone the boatyard route and there is pretty much one go to guy they all recommend. He does great work but is not cheap.
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Old 09-28-2020, 02:00 AM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: California
Posts: 13

Hi again, sorry so long,
California has been so hot, we have been staying on the boat. Yes, there is a very slight curve to the windshied like you said. I still can't believe the price to replace it. I need to replace the seals on all of the front windshields before the rains come, now I'm almost afraid to tackle this! Please let us know what you end up doing.( I dropped a bottle of cleaner on mine this summer and was very lucky it did not break.)
Best wishes to you!

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