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Old 05-17-2010, 12:14 AM   #1
Lt. JG
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Cool 3d decals

Just install new 3d decals. They look great. A little different gold color and shine but they are the same size. Can't see um at the same time so im happy.

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Old 05-17-2010, 01:13 AM   #2
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Where did you get 'em, and how about some pics. Love to see them!

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Old 05-17-2010, 01:39 AM   #3

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PIC's!!!....we'd love to see what you did!!

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Old 05-17-2010, 08:34 PM   #4

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Danny, I JUST replaced mine on both sides yesterday!!!!!! As soon as I was done, my wife asked if I had taken before/after pics (DOH!!!! I'm going crazy trying to keep a thousands projects and timelines in my head with spring commissioning and a camera just isn't on my parts list).

The letters are in stock and can be ordered from any dealer. The process was pretty easy.

I took 1" blue masking tape and ran a line both below and above the letters. I then placed tape vertically along the sides of each letter. This gave me a perfect box where each letter belonged. I took a rag from an old t-shirt and wrapped the blade of a 1.5" putty knife, then ran the putty knife under the letters. The letters have a black foam backing and the backing is adhered to the boat. This pops the letter (or breaks it, but I'm replacing them biggy). I then took a razor blade and worked all the black stuff off. Then using the same razor blade worked all the adhesive gum off. I then used 3M Gelcoat restorer (cleaner and wx withouth the wax) to clean up the area and remove any residual adhesive and wax.

I then took each new letter and placed in in the 'masking tape template' to test. I then pulled the backing to expose the adhesive, and lined up the bottom of the letter with the bottom of the tape line. At this point I was holding the letter face down at a 90 degree angle to the boat so that none of the adhesive backing is touching the boat yet. This allowed me to properly align each letter. then I slowly rocked the letter into place.

From start (masking tape the old letters) to finish (pulling the masking tape and standing back at a completed job), MAYBE 2 hours, if you count a couple of cigarette/beer breaks.
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Old 05-18-2010, 02:06 AM   #5
Lt. JG
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James River Marine

Richmond VA

Call Dean 804-7432100
Pics coming soon we will be out for the holiday weekend, can't wait
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