Windlass Failure: 1998 3700 SCR
Our new 1998 3700 SCR was launched on 4/28. We traveled from the purchase marina to it's new home without incident, 2 hour running time across the Chesapeake Bay. I still have a few small items to correct from the inspection but I can live w/o an ice maker and autopilot for now. First trip out from the new marina, the windlass failed. I never checked it on shore. I saw it move and apparently tightened rather than loosen. I was able to deploy the anchor via the crank handle and re-hauling by hand but that can't continue. I checked fuse under dash but no red stacks were popped. Any other place to try? I do hear a clicking at the windlass when someone pushes the dash switch and also from the left (arrow facing forward) bow button.