UPDATE: So I had the boat lifted and the props pulled, turns out I had 19x19 4 blade props, I took them to a prop specialist and had them measured and they were out of spec, with the information we had (weight,engine size, current stats and V drive info) the recomendation was to reduce the over all diameter to 18 and 1/4.
They were re balanced and set to a proper 19 pitch, I gained a further 400 RPM so now Max @ 4400, and thats 27knts, I can sit at 4000 rpm and 23.5ktns so happy with that as I am only 3/4 throttle, biggest differnce by far for me is the increase in fuel efficency.
I will add a disclaimer: I did have the boat re-anti fouled and prop speed done but the previous figure with this being done was Max RPM 4100, I know people will jump in and comment that I should carry less fuel and clean out what is not needed on the boat, but I like having close to full tanks and with kids........well good luck to the man who can stop them wanting everything to play with :-)