Folks: we've been having holding tank odors outside the boat whenever we flush the vacuflush toilet. The holding tank is treated but still releases a foul odor at the stern when flushed.
I did some research and asked my marina to replace the in line vent filter- they said they couldn't find it! My questions:
1. Does the Maxum 3500 have a holding tank vent filter?
2. If so, can you describe where it is?
In the underfloor bunk you will find a roof hatch usually held by one screw. If you undo this hatch lower it carefully as the two reading lights are still attached if you look up into the hatch way you will see the filter attached with a clip to the starboard wall. It is easy to reach and unscrew both ends from the filter pipe. I just replaced mine easy job and it does help with odors. Having said that the filters here in Australia are very expensive about $150.00 I see on this site another post describing how to make these filters. In any case I think the tank ventilation is poor and two separate
vent filters would have been better. Hope this helps.