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Old 07-13-2012, 11:38 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 9
Default water pressure

My freshwater system was working fine. I filled the tank and now the pump seems to run longer and when I turn on a faucet the water only has pressure for a second. I have a 1993 SCR2300 any ideas were the pump is located? and any thoughts on what it may take to fix it? thanks

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Old 07-13-2012, 12:20 PM   #2
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Nashua, NH
Posts: 64

If you are sitting in the aft cabin looking forward, the pump is located behind the small panel just to the right of the exitway (from the aft cabin).

Simplest thing to do would be to clean the strainer. This requires no tools - just twist and separate.

Make sure that the tank is actually full. You can look at the tank when you remove the panel to look at the pump. It might be the case that water had gone into the hot water heater (or in the bilge!) and there isn't as much in there as you think.

Try to get water flowing from ALL of the spigots on the boat. Best way is to turn hot/cold on INDIVIDUALLY, and (for bathroom and transom shower) lift the nozzles as HIGH into the air as you can. That will (counterintuitivly) trigger the pump to push more. Maybe you are getting some air in there.

Obviously, make sure you don't have water doing anything crazy, like leaking through open winterization hoses in your hot water heater, etc...

I've found some counterintuitve things about the on-demand pump (like needing to RAISE the hoses up to get it to pump) - which are expecially hard if there is air in the lines.
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