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Old 08-08-2017, 12:20 PM   #1
Lt. JG
Join Date: Aug 2017
Posts: 20
Default Thinking about taking the plunge...any advice?

Hey all, I'm sure this discussion has been had on here many times, but I couldn't find a thread upon searching. I'm looking at a 99 Maxum 2800 with a single 454/ duoprops. They have an aftermarket 3 kw Generator installed as well. I've always liked this model as I felt like it had a great layout and lots of space in a semi-trailerable boat.

I'm looking for feedback, good or bad on this model. Is the single engine a bad idea? Should I look for twins? Any particular issues I should look for? The interior has been redone, so there is no evidence of water leaks around the hatches, but that doesn't mean it's not there.

I've got a Nissan Armada with a 9,500lb tow capacity. I don't plan on towing often, only pulling it in the winter or for service. Will the Armada do it or should I plan on borrowing a friend's truck?

Any other feedback would be great.

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Old 08-08-2017, 02:22 PM   #2
Lt. JG
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Posts: 44

You will probably be ok towing short distances with armada. Make sure trailer is in good shape and has brakes. Might require permits for a boat that size. Single engine is fine. My 1993 2700 scr goes 31 to 34 mph on gps with a bravo 3 and 5.7 carberated engine and 24 pitch props. Also don't skimp on engine and out drive maintenance. Welcome aboard and good luck.

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Old 08-08-2017, 03:08 PM   #3
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Welcome aboard

Several folks have this boat with a single engine and are happy with it performance. Some learning in close quarters maneuvering. You'll most likely exceed the tow capacity. Boat is about 7000 plus 2000 for trailer then add gear, fuel, ... unless you use a class IV hitch you'll be looking at the sky.
1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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Old 08-08-2017, 05:19 PM   #4
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I have a buddy with the same boat and the 7.4L Merc. It was a real struggle for it to plane out with a full load of water, fuel and gear until he replaced the props with the 4 blade version.

When you say you will not be towing far, how far? I've towed his boat with my F250 diesel and would not attempt it with anything less ( it was a 4 hour tow with some really steep climbs). You'll want airbags for sure.
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Old 08-08-2017, 05:43 PM   #5
Lt. JG
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Posts: 20

Honestly, it doesn't have a trailer so I'm getting ahead of myself on the towing. But, I'm 30-40 minutes from the lake on back roads. Probably 20 miles. I just like the idea of bringing it home to clean it up, work on it, and whatnot through the winter. Plus, it'd be nice to take it to a mechanic rather than being locked into the ones at the marina. But...it may never happen. I may just leave it in the water...who knows?!?!? For no more often than I'm talking about it, I've got a buddy with an F350 that would do it once or twice a year. I was just curious, more than anything.

I haven't taken a sea trial on it yet. Whenever I do, I'll take 6 of my closest friends to test the performance. ;-)

Owning a "bigger boat" has been a dream of mine since I was a kid. Now I just need to convince my wife why I need 3 boats.

I appreciate all the input!
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Old 08-09-2017, 02:00 PM   #6

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We owned one for almost 10 years. We loved the boat. weight distribution and proper propping are the key. we used to place our coolers , dinghy and hond generator down below as far forward in the companionway as we could. I installed folding padeyes and would use locking straps to hold everything in place. With full fuel and water, we got on plane just fine. However, there were only two of us, not five people sitting across the transom seat.
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Old 09-09-2017, 12:24 AM   #7
Join Date: Sep 2017
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I have a 1998 2800SCR with a single 454. I have absolutely no issues getting up on plane at any time. Had 6 people in the boat this past weekend and it popped right up on plane. Trim tabs are a big help and I rarely fill the fuel tank as I can tell a small difference when the fuel tank is full. I have a bravo 3 which I assume the one you are looking at has also. Unusual to find this boat with a generator so that is a big plus. As someone else said, maintain the zincs religiously on the Bravo 3 outdrive. Also, the boat itself is more in the 9000 lb range. With a trailer and some stuff, you are talking about 11,000-12,000 lbs.

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