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Old 06-02-2010, 02:58 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 3
Unhappy Steering issues

Hello Maxum Owners club, I have just purchased a 2000 Maxum 28 SCR, and the steering is very tight, I am on my third boat, the first Bayliner was a 2252, second Wellcraft 2700SC, so I am not new to boating. The boat has a Bravo Three, and power steering, the boat had been siting for approx a year, in the water, I had the outdrive serviced and the out drive support bearigs checked and reset a they were supposedly set to tight, but the steering is still tight it takes two hands at idle to steer. the boat shop has me all confused as to what could be wrong, some tell me it is the cable. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Confused & Concerned.

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Old 06-02-2010, 10:24 AM   #2
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Location: Richibucto. N.B. Canada
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Hi Knotty D, well as for every problem, use the elimination process. start at the back disconect the cable going to the drive from the steering wheel. then turn the steering wheel and see if it is still tight. if it is still tight then the issue is with the cable or the wheel. if its loose then it's in the outdrive. once you isolate the section you can effectively repair the problem.

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Old 06-02-2010, 02:00 PM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 3

Ensign, Thank you for the responce, One other question in regards to the stiff steering, My prvious boats had Bravo 2's this ia bravo Three with the Dual Prop, how those this effect the steering if any, I have been on the internet and there has been comments that the dual props cause stiff steering at low speeds.
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Old 06-02-2010, 02:13 PM   #4
Lt. JG
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The steering on my Bravo-3 is pretty tight at low engine speeds also, but this is the first boat I've had with power steering. I figured the low RPM at idle is not driving the power steering pump fast enough for rapid steering changes. Resistance decreases if I turn the wheel slowly.
2006 Maxum 2400 SE
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Old 06-06-2010, 05:44 PM   #5
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Posts: 3

Ok, I have disconnected the cable from the steering servo and the steering is free, I have disconected the out drive arm from the servo, and it to is free, so the problem is in the pump or the servo any thoughts.
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Old 08-01-2012, 08:17 AM   #6
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Default Steering

Originally Posted by Knotty D View Post
Hello Maxum Owners club, I have just purchased a 2000 Maxum 28 SCR, and the steering is very tight, I am on my third boat, the first Bayliner was a 2252, second Wellcraft 2700SC, so I am not new to boating. The boat has a Bravo Three, and power steering, the boat had been siting for approx a year, in the water, I had the outdrive serviced and the out drive support bearigs checked and reset a they were supposedly set to tight, but the steering is still tight it takes two hands at idle to steer. the boat shop has me all confused as to what could be wrong, some tell me it is the cable. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Confused & Concerned.
Try tightening the belts on the Hydraulic pump.... I had one go recently. If not it could be the teleflex cables... I have an issue wityh one as wel!

Good luck
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Old 08-14-2012, 03:31 AM   #7
Lt. JG
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How about the tension knob at the bottom of the steering wheel? That would be too easy.
97 2700 SCR 7.4l BII
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Old 08-15-2012, 02:05 AM   #8
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i have the same boat.... the steering is like a car, all the time, no binding and you can whip the wheel with one hand..... that how i parallel park!

are you getting water in your engine compartment? can you see white salt trails, running down the back of the transom, stick your head back there and find out.

I would guess your main transom pin is binding, and the seal is shot after 12 years..... I just did mine.

the engine has to be pulled out to access and remove the pin and seal assemble.

since the boat is new to you, the last owner most likely knew what was up, and sold it.

not the end of the world, but common.

you can shake the out drive with the engine off and see if you have play in the drive, this would indicate wear on the transom pin.
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Old 04-27-2014, 09:51 PM   #9
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I understand about a natural tendency to wander but I've compared it to my neighbor's boat, which is very similar and he agrees. His power steering is much like a car and mine is much stiffer. My thought process is, if the cable is making the steering a bit stiff that possibly the flow control valve in the actuator is not being allowed to rest at center thereby causing the boat to steer left and right. If I didn't have the other boat for comparison I might be inclined to agree. The wandering isn't something I couldn't live with but obviously, I'd rather not. If after replacing the cable the steering is the same, I'll just have to accept what I have. I've pulled the outdrive to replace the shifter cable and I didn't really notice any play in it.
I hate spending money on parts when I'm not sure it'll correct the problem but there's really nothing left. Now I'm trying to figure out who manufactured the steering cable. The Maxum web site said it's 17' long but it only gives the Maxum part number and I can't find a cross reference. I hate taking the boat all apart just to see who made the cable but I suppose it's the smart thing to do before ordering anything.

Thanks for the response...

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Old 04-28-2014, 03:46 AM   #10
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John don't know who supplied the steering cables to Maxum but Teleflex makes replacements. You need more than lenght but also the types of end, rack steering at helm?
Have you lubed the steering tube at the transom, grease fitting?

Did you try disconnecting the cable at the transom to see if it moves easier? If so probably not the cable but transom components

1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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