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Old 04-28-2012, 10:00 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 12
Default questions about Maxum 2700 SCR 2001

Hi everybody!
My name is Robin and Im from sweden .
Im about to buy a Maxum 2700 SCR 2001 .
Im just wondering if there is any usual problems with this model?
Anything I should look after ?

The boat is powered by a Mecruiser 7.4 mpi engine .

Sry for my bad english , but I hope you can understand what I mean

Have a great day .

Best regards Robin

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Old 04-28-2012, 11:25 PM   #2

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welcome to the zoo robin......the 2700 scr is a great boat for the size..unfortunately they didn't put a stroked small block chevie engine in them until 2003...the big block is gonna cost you more gas but if it's hooked up to a b3 counter rotating prop ..it will help out some...they cruise nicely and have plenty of room for a 28 ft boat.....

let us know how it goes and take lotsa pictures..


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Old 04-28-2012, 11:30 PM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2012
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Thx for the answer .
Yes thats unfortunately true about the engine .
Can you buy the targa en mount it youreself? Because there isnt orginiallly mounted on this boat.

Heres the add on the bout among with some pictures .

Another question , How much does The maxum 2700 scr cost in the US with the same specs ?
this one is 330 000 sek , wich is almost 51 000 us dollars .


best regards robin
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Old 04-29-2012, 11:46 AM   #4
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here is a 97 for $21k USD.


i have 2800scr , 2000 with the single 7.4

as clean as the boats are they are still 12 years old and the "solf" items are usally shot, i.e, gaskets, electical motors, wiring issues, and mainfolds:

here is my list:
1. check oil- oil dirty oil is good, new fresh oil means you can't tell if your have an issue like water in the oil.
2. pull a spark plug, and look for moister, before they run the boat.
3. stick your head all the way in the back of the engine and look for "white salt trails" that would indicate salt water drip marks, for the outdrive gaskets.
4. have them pull of an exhaust elbow and look down inside for any water drips.
5, test all electrial items, and makes a list. flipping switches will not cover everything if something dose not work, you bought it.
6. check the boat in the water, unexpectedly.... and see if the bigle is dry, the salesman will prep a boat.
7. same goes with a boat on shore power all the time, disconnect it, then check it the next day to see if the batteries go dead.
8. a boat without a windless, and A/C has poor resale value.
9. look for damage in the trim tab hinges on the boat out of the water, dents, or broken hinges.
10. wiggle the out drive, to check for slop in the steering.
11. have them drip out some outdrive fluid from the bottom of the drive to check for water, or metal.

rememeber, its a used boat, so someone got rid of it for a reason.....
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Old 05-19-2012, 04:14 AM   #5
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Posts: 12

Now i have bought my Maxum 2700 scr
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