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Old 09-18-2011, 10:20 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2011
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Question Possible purchase maxum 2400 SCR buying & trailer advice

Hi maxum forum.
I currenly own a 1994 21ft wellcraft sports cuddy with a volvo penta 4.3gl V6, which we trailer down to torqauy from bridgwater uk, we have decided to sell and upgrade to a maxum 2400 SCR, we viewed one the weekend a 2001 model and fell in love with the lay out and sexy look, the reasion for wanting this boat is to sleep on it one to two nights at weekends with our two young children and the better luxury of having more room. the craft we have our eyes will require a lot of cleaning so will not be useing it till next year, it will be a winter project for me.

Can i ask any owners of this vessel to give me more insight into this boat like handling-useing- and any other advice to do with this craft, are you happy with yours or are there any bad points and what is the average realistic price as ive seen some at £15000 and up to £26000, i know age is a factor in price, but we are not botherd by age, speed wise we are only looking to cruise around not looking for all out speed, as our wellcraft does 47mph and have never like full throttle.

Secondly we would like to tow this craft with our trusted discovery 2 landy, are there any users who also tow a large boat like this, or are am i being stupid in thinking of towing so a large and heavy boat, i have had no issue with my 21 ft wellcraft at 2 ton, but the 2400scr is alot taller/heavier than mine.

any advice really really appreciated, we have not brought boat yet, just doing some homework before i commit the purchase.

cabtain Mscurvy

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Old 09-19-2011, 01:42 AM   #2
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See the other 2400 thread. Asking essentially the same question!

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Old 09-19-2011, 06:08 AM   #3
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yeh have seen that thread thanks, but i would like to know if any one trailesr theres, or its realy a boat that shouild be moored, problem with me us is the there is a long waiting list were we go for moorings.
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Old 09-19-2011, 11:07 AM   #4

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Cool 2400scr

I have a 2400 scr and tow it no problem easy tow.I did put elect over hyd brakes on it but electric brakes would work as well .be sure the trailer is rated for that gvw.Great boat mine is a 2002 scr good luck
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Old 09-19-2011, 01:29 PM   #5

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Sorry to be a party pooper but I do not think you're going to be able to safely tow a 2400 SCR on a regular basis with a Disco. I would estimate that the 2400 SCR has to weigh at least 7000 pounds including the trailer - maybe a little more.

I sometimes tow our 2400 SC3 which weighs right around 5000 pounds - without the trailer, with our full size V8 pick up truck. Including the trailer the the rig weighs right around 6500 pounds and that is as much as I'd want to pull behind our particular truck.

The Disco MAY be able pull the 2400 SCR but stopping it might be a different matter - you will absolutely will have to have brakes on both trailer axles. But the biggest concern is the short wheel base of the Disco which will make the entire rig (truck+boat and trailer) unstable at speed.

Now, if you are only going to be trailering the boat short distances and slower speeds you might be able to make due with the Disco. Make certain you know what it's towing capacity. If you tow over the Disco's limit and have an accident, your insurance company may not cover you.

Be careful, research throughly.

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Old 09-19-2011, 01:46 PM   #6
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I trailer my 99 2400 scr with a ford f150. i have never had any problems towing it, that being said i have a slip for it and only tow it a handful of times each year. the owner before me pulled it out of the water with a trailblazer after my sea trial and claims that is what he always towed it with. my concern is that the discovery would not be enough to pull it. check the tow rating on the discovery. check the weight of the boat and the trailer. also remember the weight will be increased with full gas and freshwater tanks. the 2400 is definately towable with the right vehicle tho
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Old 09-19-2011, 02:55 PM   #7

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I will back Dan up with his thoughts on towing...it could be dicy to say the least with a small vehicle...but....with that being said...if your steaming along in fairly flat water..the boat will be fun and comfy...but if your in something like the north sea...then forget it...the boat will beat you to a pulp....the boat will actually take more than you will...but in choppy waters ..the boat will tend to pound...not making a comfy ride at all..but again..in a lake...or sound where the waters are nice and flat....it's a great boat ....great for 2..4 may be pushing it ..but if they are smaller people then it maybe ok....working in the galley may become a dance.....it takes coordination in getting things cooked and balanced...the best thing for the crew to do while the cook is in the galley is to SIT!!!...

but over all it's a strong boat that will take you far if maintained properly.....

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Old 09-19-2011, 06:13 PM   #8
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Thanks for all your comments, the disco 2 by book will tow 3.8 tons, i currently tow 2.5 with a braked twin axles snipe trailer at 26 ft length, we trailer 140miles in total when we go on the boat, both trailer and disco are a dream to tow with, think may be the boat is not as sea worthy as thought, the wellcraft has a deep v so good in rough conditions. just fell in love with the look and the extra room of the 2400 scr compaired to the cuddy we have, comments still valuable to me epsecially when spending £18000.

cabtain M scurvy
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Old 09-19-2011, 08:41 PM   #9
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If the rating is 3.8 tons, your pretty close to the limit!

I have a 2300 (basically the same boat). I have never towed it myself - but I have had a friend tow it with an F-150. It seemed to handle it with no problem. We have it on a triple-axle trailer he uses for a 30 foot boat - and the 2300SCR *JUST* fits on it.

Most people think 24' boat and get visions of bow-riders and cuddies. The 2400 is a *BIG* boat for it's length - so don't underestimate it!

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