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Old 05-14-2022, 02:16 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 9
Default First spring with 2400SCR

First off, I just want to thank everyone on here. Your responses have all been super helpful so far.

This is my first spring with my 2000 2400SCR so really now just working out all the kinks. I spent a couple of hours with it yesterday getting everything cleaned up I took it out for the first time and ran into a couple of questions.

I turned the water pump on and turned the cold water on in the galley, I could hear the pump kick on and water was spurting out but not consistently at all. I left it on for a minute or two and didn't really stop the spurting, do I just need to leave it on for longer to work the air out? I also turned the bathroom faucet on it a really bad odor came out when I did, also spurted water but I am wondering if anyone has any idea what that odor would be?

Second, my refrigerator works great on shore power, is it also supposed to work off the battery when shore power is disconnected? If so, is there something I need to switch on?

And last question, my boat has A/C which is great but I only get one shore power outlet from my marina. I am going to get a splitter so I don't have to move it back and forth on the outside. My question is though, can I run more than just the A/C one one shore power or do I really have to limit it to just the A/C when that's running? Could I also use the outlets at the same time?

Thanks again for any and all help!

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Old 05-14-2022, 04:38 PM   #2
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Sounds like you may have a leak in the water system and the pump is sucking in air. This would be in a line prior to the pump. The holding tank probably needs to be flushed to get rid of the odor, some use a bleach water mix others get a product from a RV store to do so. Sounds like an issue with the refrigerator power board, search this site as others have troubleshoot this issue before. Yes you can run the AC and use other things just don’t exceed the power rating of the wire and breaker on the shore power which should be 30 amps.

1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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Old 05-25-2022, 02:14 PM   #3
Lt. Commander
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Posts: 189

I agree with everything Mike said. For your AC on shore question, I just installed AC on my 2400 over the winter. I didn't install a new plug for it and run everything off the one connection. Just installed a new breaker and it works just fine with no issue. You should be perfectly fine with the splitter. I see a lot of folks doing that at my marina. For your fridge, are you sure it's not turning on? It cycles on and off obviously based on need, so doesn't always run. It automatically switches to DC as soon as you turn off the shore power. There is nothing to switch. I would also check your fuses and see if anything is blown if it is in fact not coming on.
2001 Maxum 2400 SCR 5.0 (Alpha 1 Gen 2)
2003 Maxum 1800SR3 (sold)
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