Well, it has been 2 years, and it is time to get back to the "project".......
About 4 years ago, I made the mistake(?) of buying a Maxum 3000 SCR, for $1........
(As if that wasn't bad enough, it was the second boat I bought for that particular price.....

This particular vessel (currently named Spontaneous, but will be changed upon return to the sea....) was rescued from the bottom of Newport harbor (the California one), and had associated issues (motors full of water, generator full of water, microwave full of rust, etc...) but all in all, it was in decent shape.
I had the motors rebuilt by a reputable shop 2 years ago, but due to life and it's demands, the sat uncovered outside for 2 years, I'll not get into that story.
At this point, I have the motors back in the shop, and I am close to getting them back into the boat.....
The insturment cluster is going to be replaced with 2 flat panel displays, fed by dual computers (due to the ECU's I am going to be running).
What I need is a source for wiring diagrams for the boat (the more, the better).
Any help would be appreciated.