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Old 02-07-2010, 12:18 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 5
Default 2900 SE weight question

I just bought a 2008 2900 SE cruiser w/ twin 4.3 MPI engines with Bravo III outdrives. The boat came with two group 27 (65 lbs. each) and one group 24 (53 lbs.) deep cycle batteries and a 5.0 Kw generator. The two original group 27's will be dedicated for each engine and the group 24 will be dedicated to the generator. These three batteries will be mounted on the starboard side of engine compartment. I would like to increase house battery capacity since I throw anchor often. I am installing a 3000 watt inverter (70 lbs.) and four 300 amp hour six volt AGM batteries (90 lbs. each) as a house bank hooked up to the inverter. These four 6 volt batteries and inverter will be mounted on port side of engine compartment (inverter mounted in aft cabin). There is really no other place to put them.
As a result I will be adding approx. 430 lbs. to the engine compartment with these 4 extra batteries and inverter.

Do you think boat performance will suffer with the extra weight (getting up on plane, boat speed, etc.)?

Do you think the boat will lean towards the side of the house bank since combined with inverter since there is a 247 lb. difference of weight on both sides?

Or do you think the boat is big enough to absorb the extra weight both in performance and when it sits still in the water?

Thank you for any advice or experience you could offer.


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Old 02-07-2010, 12:31 PM   #2
Lt. JG
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Lake Raystown, Huntingdon PA
Posts: 28

Don I just recently purchased a leftover 2008 2900SE myself and looking to do the same. My previous boat was a 27' ChrisCraft Crowne that i put 2 6v batteries and a 1500w inverter on a weight was an issue. Only had a single screw but the boat was powered with a big block 460. But my two 6v batteries gave me enough power to run microwave and fridg for 4 days. With a generator on board do you really need 4 batteries?

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Old 02-07-2010, 06:19 PM   #3
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 5

R Matta,

The inverter is going to be hooked up to the 110 volt board to be able to operate all 110 volt appliances and outlets except AC. While I can see running generator in the morning after a long night. the inverter will also have an auto generator start when battery levels get low. I just wanted the highest capacity possible so generator doesn't turn on every one -three hours while partying on boat. I dont want to turn it on every time I need to work microwave, blender, hair dryer, etc. Plus, inverter charger is 150 amps and will charge all batteries faster than boat charger.

What type of battery set up do you think you'll put in Maxum? What power source do u have? Engines?
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Old 02-07-2010, 10:02 PM   #4
Lt. JG
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Lake Raystown, Huntingdon PA
Posts: 28

My Max does not have genset but may add one someday. As i did on my ChrisCraft Im just going with 2 golf cart batteries wired to an 1800w inverter. I have been out on the water for 4 days and never ran out of juice. This time around I was thinking about getting the Guest onboard battery charger w/ the alternator module if I would need to recharge away from the dock all I will have to do is start the engines and let alternator provide a charge. I also have the option of runnng an extention cord from other people I boat with who do have gensets. Do you know how much power comes off the alternator on your 4.3l engines. That info would help me out with my future plans. If the Alternator supplies more than what is needed i will be good to go. I can tell you that my Chris Craft did struggle to get on plane. I think 2 6v batteries will provide all you would need for a wknd. As long as you are not suppling any heating elements (hair dryer,coffee maker) ur biggest draw will be the microwave but that is only for 5 min or so at a time. I have 2 kids who watched movies every nite, and we used the microwave several times and never ran out of power.
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