I have recently bought a 2700se - and new to the forum. The handle next to the steps up to the windscreen has come loose - and the nut is only accessible from beneath, just adjacent to the cabin sliding door - but is almost impossible to get to. Just wondering if anybody has had any luck tightening these?
Thats going to be a tricky one since the nut would be inside the cabin door slide..... Can you see the nut? It should not be too far that you cant slip a box end wrench over it....
If you can get your fingers on the nut, then you should be able to get a tool on the nut, shouldn't you? You might need a ratcheting box wrench or one with an articulating head.
We have a 2003 2700SCR. It had a similar issue. I opened the instrument panel access panel adjacent to the step/handle and reached inside with a wrench to tighten the nut. It worked. Not sure if this will work for your boat but access from the sliding door or bath was not possible. Good luck