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Old 10-16-2011, 03:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 4
Default 2400 SCR Starting Procedure

Hi Guys

Finally got my '98 2400 SCR in the water; she's my first boat. It's nearly the end of our season in the UK but I would like to try her out before I get her winterized.

I have lots of paperwork that mentions the starting procedure but I cannot find the starting procedure itself! If I turn the ignition key slightly all the meters come to life and the voltmeter shows healthy battery life ( I have been charging these via shore power). If i turn the key further nothing else happens other than I can hear a click from the engine bay (when I have the hood up).

Can you tell me what I should be doing?

Also is it worth me emailing maxumcustomercare.com to try and get an Owners Manual ( I have the Supplement) ?



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Old 10-16-2011, 04:53 PM   #2

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Congrats on the new purchase.....yes..contact maxum or Brunswick marine along with your HIN number on the stern ..they will inturn send you a new owners manual..

starting procedure is easy...
1) insert key..
2) ensure the kill switch is on...that's the one your lanyard attaches too.
3)push the neutral button on the throttle in and pump the throttle 3 full strokes....
4)push the throttle to about 1/4 throttle
5)turn ignition key till engine catches
6)throttle the engine until your at about 1200rpm during warm up...engine will increase rpms as it warms up..adjust throttle
7)when engine is sufficiently warmed, pullt throttle back to idle...
8) undock and enjoy

now if all your getting is a click...then there is some trouble shooting to do....your going to have to make sure the connections on the electrical circuit is clean and tight....check all batt. connections and starter connections for cleanliness and tightness...if you still get only a click...the batt's may either have a bad cell or the starter or solenoid is bad....


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Old 10-16-2011, 04:56 PM   #3
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Hi CaptainUK, the starting procedure is pretty much the same for all Gas Merc. engines.
Step 1 (and the most important step) -- Turn on blower for 4 minutes prior to starting (unless engine cover is completely removed)
Step 2 -- Push button on bottom of shift/throttle lever to put it into nuetral and go to FWD WOT and back to almost idle a couple of times (sometimes it takes a few pumps)
Step 3 -- While throttle is still in nuetral and lever is just slightly above idle position (not WOT), turn key on and then to Start position

It should then crank over and start (hopefully).

I am concerned you hear a click when you go to Start. If the shift/throttle lever was not in nuetral but was still fwd, it would not crank but you also would not hear a click. Basically it prevents you from starting while in FWD or REV.
A click generally comes from a Solenoid. So I would look at your starter solenoid first and meter it out. Sounds like it may not be passing 12V on to the starter when you go to Start position. Could also be the Slave solenoid as I have heard others here mention it failing and causing the same symptons as the Starter Solenoid.

So just make sure you are in nuetral and if still hearing a click, start with a meter and check the solenoids.

That hopefully will sort you out and Bob's your Uncle

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Old 10-16-2011, 04:57 PM   #4
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Ahhh, you are too fast SP, got me while I was typing
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Old 10-16-2011, 10:08 PM   #5

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ah..but you got the blower...I forgot that one....good catch.....

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Old 10-17-2011, 03:00 AM   #6
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Yes. I was going to mention the blower too. **DO NOT** forget the blower. However, I recommend going further. A small gas leak is rarely more than a minor annoyance in a car, but can be an extreme hazard in a boat. Leaking gas drips on to the ground in a car. It pools in the bile of a boat, however. Fuel vapors area HEAVIER than air, and will dissipate underneath a car, but become trapped in the bilge of a boat. Ignition sources in engine compartments are therefore DANGEROUS!

I do the following:

1. Open engine compartment:

- Check fuel lines between tank, fuel pump and engine for cracks. Make sure they are not loose. May sure the clamps are all on and secure.
- Inspect electrical (ignition) wires for cracks in boots/insulation, loose connections, etc.
- Close engine bay hatch

2. Turn key to "on" position.

- If you have a fume/vapor detector (I think all 2400SCRs do), make sure it is not alerting you of a problem.
- Press the button to test it.

3. Start engine per prior instructions

4. Open engine bay just enough to peek in (Dont go in with engine running). Make sure no fuel is leaking or spraying from any of the fuel hoses or connections.

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