I don' thave a fuse map, but you can do the following:
Labelling: Keeping in mind that larger fuses are used for devices with larger draw and smaller fuses for devices with smaler draw. If I recall a 20 is the largest fuse in there. Pull a fuse, then start turning 12v items on until one doesn't work. (e.g. "Ah, cabin lights). Mark accordingly.
Spares: Note that not all fused slots actually have a positive lead attached to them. They used these as spare holders. So you only need to worry about the slots that actually have a positive lead attached to it. It's a common ground system, so the entire fuse bus shares a single ground. all the negatives are connected to posts across the top of the fuse buss and can typically share multiple ring connectors to a single post. You only need to worry about a spare for each fuse that has a positive connected to it.