Speaker locations?
Alright, since I know there's at least one other active member with an 1800MX, now's the time to look for opinions. I want to put more speakers around the consoles and in the bow so that we can hear the radio while underway. The kids get kinda bored while moving and they have to be in their seats.
I'm thinking of putting a pair of 6.5" two-way speakers in the footrests under both consoles. I rarely sit in my seat while moving and when I do, I surely can avoid the speaker grill but I'm a little concerned that the sound won't come out from under the console. Has anyone put speakers there? I'm pretty sure that anything closer is going to make it easier to hear but I'd like for it to sound decent too. I believe those footrests are full of foam so it's going to involve removing enough foam to accommodate the depth of the speakers, but shouldn't be a terrible job. The hardest part is going to be cutting HUGE holes in my girl....
Next for the bow... Passengers up there aren't going to hear much anyway due to being out in the wind so I'm thinking of a single speaker in the middle that points straight back towards the walk-thru. I'm adding handles to the sides (around ankle height) so the front facing astern is the only spot available. Anyone done this? The wiring for a single speaker is fairly straightforward as it's the same as the center channel in my truck. Positive from one channel and negative from the other should give mono output or at least what's common between the two channels. At the very least, it's something to listen to.
I'm also adding a remote speaker for my VHF, but that's going on the helm so no worries there.
So, I'm looking for opinions or suggestions on adding speakers. If anyone has any, I'm definitely wanting to hear them.