Welcome Aboard Dlosh81!!! I don't know that anyone was outright criticizing, but I can see how comments could be misinterpretted. Requirements vary from state to state. Some states require a title. some states require a Bill of Sale. Some require both. In many cases, the Make, Model and Hull ID Number (HIN) are attached to these documents. It may be different in South Carolina, I couldn't speak to that.
One way to get the detail you're looking for is to record the HIN. Then take a look at these resource below. You should be able to call Brunswick and Technical Support or Customer Care should be able to tell you the exact model and possibly the features that were shipped from the factory.
Good Luck
Manufacturers Indentification Code:
Maxum Hull ID Info:
USMarine 1-866-937-8202 ext 2
Maxum Boats customer care - 360-435-8957