Originally Posted by Hozelitis
Happy Thanksgiving.
From what I read each 1” in pitch changes rpm close to 200. If that is correct, and I’m at 3950, and go from 21 to 17 pitch, that will put me at the high range of WOT rpm. I also wonder what a quarter inch in diameter and a 4th blade play into it.
Sorry, I have a boating friend that suggests strongly going to 19 pitch.
It is a 17 year old engine and I don’t want to over rev.
you want the propeller that I suggested for you... here are some reasons... going from a 3 blade to 4 will drop max RPM because of resistance and better bite on the water compared to a 3 blade... also you want to have to pull back some on the throttle if need be rather than not having more throttle to use when it comes time to use your boat... and realistically how often do you plan on nailing the gas WOT and leaving it there? it is not practical or suggested even on a low hour engine... also with the lower pitch you will be able to get on plane easier witch is easier on your engine... when your engine is not loaded up all the time you will get better fuel economy as well as well as life of the engine... well that's my 2c worth so take it for what is worth... but there is 35+ years of boating experience backing it up.