If it were me, I would scrap that 2 cycle oil and get the good stuff. Also, stick with the mixing in tank, if there is an auto mixer, get rid of it!
So had a 1989 650 JetSki that had the auto mix pump on it. Was great until pump gave out. You don't have a clue anything is wrong until motor starts to lock up due to lack of oil

So removed pump and replaced with block off plate, then started mixing gas/oil in gas tank and all has been great for over 15 years now that way.
Also have an old fishing boat from 1972 with a 50hp Johnson on it. Had to rebuild powerhead on it maybe 10 years or so ago.
So since I removed the automix from Jetski and rebuilt powerhead on Johnson, been running Amsoil 100:1 Synthetic 2 Cycle Oil and I love it. Now I do not mix it 100:1 as they state but rather 80:1 (just to be a bit safer). Have never had an issue with either of them running this way for over 10 years. I swear by that stuff. No (or very little) smoke when mixed at 80:1. Readily available here on the East Coast anyway. I used 8oz bottles and mixed 1 bottle per 5 gallons of gas (since I have 5gal portables, it was perfect). That gave me the 80:1 I desired (1 bottle per 6gal is 100:1).
Anyone nearby when you startup will thank you