Which "leg" are you talking about here? On my 96 2100SR the leg is 2 pieces. The bottom portion is curved to avoid hitting the side glass and connect to the hull with a push pin. The top portion of it just slides into the upper support bar. That upper support bar is what holds the canvas up and goes from one side of the boat to the other.
if you just need the bottom leg, maybe you can find one at a Bayliner or Searay dealer. The old part # for that part is 60416-E and has been superceded to 1723125 (according to parts catalog and Bayliner 2002 cross reference book).
Also, maybe Leta's can help too as she bought all of the original canvas designs from Maxum so she may also have the support poles and dimensions too.
Unfortunately I am unable to measure mine until April. It is 2 hours away and locked up inside a winter storage facility (indoor storage).