Hi all! Newbie here, but excited to join the community! I purchased a 1997 Maxum 1900 a few months back and have been loving it! One of the blades of the prop came a with a bit of bend/crack at the tip. Functional, but I have to assume it's affecting performance. Anybody else have this boat/power setup and have some prop recs? Primary usage is low speed cruising with 4-6 people on board and some high speed runs across the lake. Would love any input or to hear about your experiences! Cheers!
I have 2001 1800/3.0. I have 17, 19, and 21P props, all about 14 inch diameter. 17 is great for skiing with moderately loaded boat, and 21 is excellent for cruising. Each 2P of prop size changes my top speed around 8mph. Lower pitch planes quicker.
i run a 89' 2100SR w/3.0L i run a 4 Blade 14inch 19 pitch i got great out of the hole and cruising speeds with 4-6 people on board the 4 Blade also increased control and steering