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Old 09-17-2015, 02:59 AM   #1
biggerseagar's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: central Illinois
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Default A day in the life...

Getting ready to go on a weekend trip on my 3000 this weekend. Our marina club is sponsoring this trip so beside me there are 5 other boats going on this trip on the beautifll Ilinois river. We are leaving Friday around noon and returning sunday. The distance we are traveling is around 40 miles and going through one lock. I have not done this in a couple of years and looking forward to it.

Today I wanted to get the gas filled up and the head pumped out but my marina facilities were closed so I headed to a nearby marina by myself. Got to the marina, tied the boat up and now looking for an attendant. I get the pump out all hooked up first but the power is shut off. The attentant shows up on his golf cart says hello and I tell him want I would like and he turns all the power on. Didn't take long to pump the head out so that is done. I get the gas cap unscrewed on the starboard side and lay it on top of the pump out on the dock not thinking anything about it. We are pumping go go juice. A couple guys walk by on the dock and the vibration somehow sends the gas cap off the the top of the pump out cover and like in slow motion I watch it hit the dock and roll into the drink. $#$#@#$&*&&^/$#@ ! We continue to fill up and then do the port side gas tank. It has a chain....go figure.

The attentant apologies to me I'm still going $#@#$#@$&% but I get over it. He tells me they might have some leftovers hanging around in his office so we head up there in the golf cart but to no avail. He brings me back to my boat start it up and head back to my marina. I stick a rag into the gas filler openning. I get back to my slip and get the boat all put away. I take the waste cap and put that on the gas and use that rag to put in the waste tank openning.

I head toward home to stop at one marine shop but not the right size. I get home and immediately hit the computer hunting for a gas cap. Find a store in Chicago so I overnight it. It is the most expensive gas cap on the face of the earth.#@#$#@&/$....break out another ?

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