Hello all! I am posting this over here in this forum as I had it in the engines forum..
Anyway, I bought a 97 2700 scr with 7.4 was having all kinds of problems, always starving for fuel, dropping off at
higher rpms etc.. so, I found this out and never knew this from any other boat I owned.
The motor with the internal raw water pump on the pulley- that pump takes gear lubricant and has a resevoir for it
my fuel pump died assumedly and leaked gas into the resevoir and burnt up the cam bearing on the raw water pump that
the fuel pump operates from. So.. I am just posting here at the suggestion of Mike.
Be sure to keep an eye on that lube level in your raw water pump !

Look closely inside the pump that shiny metal in there should be not so shiny and all in one piece

This was a costly error on my part and hope to help out anyone who may be experiencing this or to help avoid it in the future!
In talking to several boaters that have this on their boat, they were not aware of this maintence point either.