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Old 05-07-2008, 01:46 PM   #1

shrew's Avatar
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Default Leaky boat

I recently purchased a 1997 2800 SCR. We had some heavy rains lately and I found three leaks in the cabin form the deck.

Hatch: This was the easiest to identify

Vberth: There is water coming in on the starboard side right where the anchor locker bulkhead, deck and ceiling trim all meet. I found a bent handrail stanchion above in the same area. I also found a portion of rubrail that looks like it's pulling away from the seem where the hull and deck are afixed. Both places look like they've been jammed with some sealant, but the sealant is aging.

Aft Cabin: This one is coming in also on the starboard side bhind the liner above the headboard. I removed as much liner as I could and see the previosu owner had jammed a bunch of sealant up there, but I think it was wishful thinking on his part.

1) What is the best/recommended way to repair teh hatch?

2) I was contemplating replacing the bent stanchion, but I'm not sure what to do with the rub rail.

3) How the heck can i find that leak in the aft cabin?

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Old 05-16-2008, 04:08 AM   #2

seapuppy's Avatar
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howdy shrew and welcome to the zoo...
well the hatch ..you have to get some of the double sided sticky tape and take the hatch apart...then reseal with 4200...

the fwd leak is probably a rub rail and will have to be taken apart and resealed with 4200.....

the aft leak is probably more tricky....if it's the rub rail..your going to have to remove the rubber part carefully..the way you do that is to use an awl ..heat the rubber part up some with a hair dryer...and gently pry the rubrail out of it's track...
then there are several screws along the side that needs to be backed out....and resealed.....using 4200 again....you fill the holes of the screws and run the screws back in..then put a good bead along the track of the rub rail.......the next step is to replace the rubrail rubber part and then tape the areas above and below the rubrail track and then put a bead of 4200 along the entire track length......that should take care of the rub rail leak...however if it's the radar arch..it's just simple to put a bead of 4200 all around the joint where the arch attaches to the hull gunwhale.....

hope this helps....might wanna introduce yourself to the group..

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