I got you there. I'm wondering if I have a leak or the pump is cracked. In the past, when I flip the switch, the pump will preasurized the system and then turn off when it reached the correct preasure. THen when I turn on the faucet, once the preasure in the line drops, it will kick back on to build the preasure back up until the faucet is closed.
I have recently tried with the faucets open and closed but the pump will not turn off nor will the line preasure build. I guess I could fill the tanks up with the pink stuff but if I can't get them into the faucets, it's not doing me much good. I think I'll try filling the tanks up with water this weekend and see if it preasurizes. Maybe there is a certain amount of liquid needed in the tank for it to work accordingly.
Thanks for the reply..
Jim Black