This happened the other day on ,y way back in, fortunately I was only about 1/2 mile from my slip, so I was able to limp her home. The white cloud that came out from the combination of burning rubber and steam from the water pumping out onto the hot engine was pretty alarming. When I bought the boat last season I was told the manifolds and risers were 2 years old. Trying to make sense of what happened, I contacted the previous owner, who contacted the owner before him. Well it turns out these things are more like 6 or 7 years old! Being a salt water boat, I have no idea how they lasted that long. And I wish I knew that so I could have changed them in the off season
Anyway, I sure hope more serious damage wasn't done anywhere. Am I correct that this is a job that can be done with the boat in the water?
Why would this hose melt and not the top one?
The plugs on the manifold look funky too
Thanks for any input