Re: Ignition switch`
Hi chuck... sounds like your switch bit the big one...maybe one of the contacts broke off....that's the bad news..the good news is that these switches are easy to replace and there is really not alot too a matter of fact you can hot wire the pwr on and then use a screwdriver to start the engine by shorting across the poles in the back of the switch...(had to do that to get us home one day when my keys escaped over the dock edge)....
anyway...they are really easy to can get one from west marine or any marine chandlery for about 20 bucks...make sure the pwr is totally off......tape your wires and mark them with a marker on the back of the red wire...accessories...etc...I think there are only 3 poles on the back of the sw.....take the sw. with you to the parts place and they should be able to match it up with no problems...
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