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Old 04-02-2009, 04:57 PM   #1
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Default Installing VHF Radio and new AM/FM

Hey everyone this is my 1st post here, it looks like a great forum.

I'm looking for ideas / pictures / instructions on installing a Shakespeare 2510 VHF radio on my 2001 Maxum 1800 open bow. As far as the radio goes I understand the wiring and how it works but I'm nor sure the best place to mount it and the antenna. I will be using a 3' stainless whip antenna and am trying to make sure it doesn't interfere with putting the cover on the boat.

Does anyone have any ideas here? I want the radio by the steering console and want to minimize drilling.

Also, I am trying to install a new AM/FM radio and can't for the life of me figure out how to remove the current one. Once I get it removed what kind of wiring harness will I need to match up to? I'd love to meet the engineer that decided it was best to put it IN the glove box...

Thanks in advance!

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Old 04-02-2009, 05:26 PM   #2

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The glove box is most likely water resistant and adds a layer of protection for the unit by keeping it out of the elements.

I'm not sure what the head unit you have currently installed looks like. I'm in the process of replacing mine, and it turned out to not be screwed in at all and simply slid out when I pulled it. If there is a dettachable face plate, see if there are mounting screws underneath.

It sounds like you're considering relocating the stereo. Personally I wouldn't only because it will leave a gaping hole where the old stereo was and require you to cut a sizable hole in the new location in order to flush mount. Plus, you'll need to re-route antannae, power, ground, speaker wires, etc. to the location of the new unit. Depending on how far the new location is from the old, you may need to extend or replace the existing connections. (I hate splices everywhere because it becomes a troubleshooting nightmare when things don't work).
You'd most likely need to make sure there's enough room to accomodate the new unit. I would hate to find out AFTER I cut a hole that new head unit won't recess all the way into it's new home.

Many new stereos have an remote control unit available as an add-on. I would think it would be easier to drop the new stereo in the old location and run a remote control unit to the dash. (If you haven't purchased the new unit yet).

In regards to the antannae, would buying an antannae mount that will allow you to drop the antannae down help the boat cover problem?

Ratcheting Rail Mount:

http://www.shakespeare-marine.com/mount ... unt=4188-S

Lift & Lay:

http://www.shakespeare-marine.com/mount ... ount=495-B

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Old 04-02-2009, 05:33 PM   #3
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Thanks for the info Shrew, I am definitely not moving the AM/FM- you're absolutely right it would be a can of worms... I will look into the remote control idea, I checked into it in the past and most are infrared and would need a line of sight to the unit. I'm still looking for one that uses a radio signal that would work even if the glove box door is closed.

The antenna mounts you suggested look good, now I just need a location to mount it!
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Old 04-02-2009, 09:46 PM   #4
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You can see in these pictures where I mounted my antenna and radio. It works ok, but don’t expect much range with the small steel whip. The mount allows me to rotate it down and keep it out of the way.

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Old 04-03-2009, 01:46 PM   #5
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Thank you for taking the time to post those pics, that helps quite a bit. How difficult was it to attach the mounting bolts through the hull? Any problems you encountered or suggestions?

I'd rather ask twice and drill once!

Thanks again.
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Old 04-03-2009, 02:33 PM   #6
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I was able to reach up into the area behind the mount. That made it fairly easy to attach the nuts on the inside. I also had made a reinforcement out of a small piece of plywood. I was going to place it on the inside of the hull and run the bolts through it as well. It turned out that the fiberglass is thick and sturdy enough to mount to by itself.

When I drilled, I started with tiny pilot holes first. I also start drilling by running the drill in reverse to minimize chipping. don't forget to use lots of sealer on the bolts, holes and around the mount itself.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

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