You should absolutely have both auto and manual features. I am surprised at the low cost, perhaps that is just for the float switch? If the float switch has failed suggest replace the entire unit with, as mmwjr said, the higher GPH that will fit the hose. If replacing the entire unit there are several auto features you can choose from. The classic float switch but it comes with the issue of (1) needing to be correctly installed and (2) debris or improperly stored items can keep it from working (holds the float down). The others I am familiar with are: a built in sensor that detects water level and those that ‘turn on’ periodically for a second or so and determines if there is a load on the motor (if yes, it means water in the bilge and keeps on pumping until the load goes back down). Both styes have a patristic electrical draw but the claim is it’s so minimal that its not an issue. Regardless of the direction get a reputable brand, a bilge pump is not the place to save some money.