In addition to finding a solution for the nav lights, here are a few things to consider.
1) Most trolling motor installations would be angled so that the motor shaft, when stowed, would be along the gunnel and not restricting the forward seating area. Looks like one of your cleats would need to be repositioned lower if You want that option.
2) shaft should be as close to vertical as possible, so a wedge will probably be needed as the bow looks like it has an slope to it.
3) Battery power. For a boat that size, I’d go with a 24v unit with suitable (70# ish) thrust. That needs at least 2 12v deep cycle batteries, larger the better.
4) Cable runs. The wire size needed will be at least 6ga, is there a good path to run these from the New battery location to the bow?
5) Consider a removable mounting plate, so the motor can be removed when not needed for other boating activities.