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oneradride 02-03-2014 02:43 PM

Just a fun fact :) - Alcohol
Last year Nebraska legalized Alcohol in state parks. This ban has been in effect for the last 15 years.

And the strange thing............................

Nebraska reports no boating-related fatalities for 2013
The data is in, and NGPC is glad to report there wasn't a single boating-related death in Nebraska during 2013. The state had not gone without at least one fatality in a year since it began tracking boating accidents in 1965. The number of reported boating accidents also decreased, from 44 in 2012 to 31 in 2013.


mmwjr 02-03-2014 03:55 PM

Interesting and good news. But I have to ask has the number of boaters decreased, stayed the same or increased? If the second or last then all the better.

oneradride 02-03-2014 10:18 PM

Good point, from what I've seen there are no fewer boaters on the water, but that doesn't mean much. Not sure where to acquire that statistic, or if it’s even possible. ??

Phillbo 02-03-2014 11:43 PM

I doubt there is a true correlation.

Making alcohol legal in the park does not mean more or less people will be drinking. Did DUI enforcement increase?

mmwjr 02-03-2014 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Phillbo (Post 31304)
I doubt there is a true correlation.

Making alcohol legal in the park does not mean more or less people will be drinking. Did DUI enforcement increase?

Agreed. I was just commenting on zero deaths and lower accients.

Alcohol legal in the park doesn't mean more boaters drinking nor does it mean legal to drink and operate a boat. 2 seperate articals.

oneradride 02-04-2014 12:31 AM

Yes two completely separate articles… And I in NO WAY condone drunk, unsafe, douche bag boaters. Fact is, everyone I know has a beer or few while boating.. Maybe I hang with a strange crowd? I just thought it was an interesting correlation and a positive one at that...

Wasn't trying to start a political debate… Be safe and water on my friends!

mmwjr 02-04-2014 03:12 AM

No worries Darren, I was focusing on the positive boating article.

I'm ready to water on but going a little stir crazy waiting for spring :cool:

shrew 02-04-2014 01:23 PM

All elephants are grey......therefore All things grey MUST be an elephant.

biggerseagar 02-04-2014 01:56 PM

Get the facts from a state like Florida or California and see if the rates have gone down. I think it is the Safe Boating Council does the nation averages on all this.

I teach the Safe Boating courses to the public for the Power Squadron and in the spring I always check the accident and death rates and they all have gone down going on about the last 10 years or so. Boating has become a lot safer. Mainly because of the safe boating courses that the boaters take either done voluntary or mandated by the state.

Also boat ownership for the last 5 or 6 years has gone down but still you look at the accident and death rates %'s and it is all going down and that is good. The factor of if a body of water getting changed from dry to wet I don't think is a factor. It would be more infor for the pile, but not something the bean counter aren't looking at.

Just my thoughts.......


mmwjr 02-04-2014 03:51 PM

Hey shrew at least elephants like water :lol:

Roger thanks for doing you part to educate folks. Boat US also makes these stats available

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