BUY THEM they work great!! The lake was calm with me and quarter tank trimmed up saw 4600 RPM at 45.5 Gps. Probably had a little left but ran out of lake

I was on plane before 20 mph and was able to maintain 20 mph at 2400 rpm quiet on plane and tracked perfectly straight. Hard throttle from stop had much less bow rise. I could feel the nose wanting to keep down just enough to keep level flight and even while cruising no wake at 950 rpm and 8 mph. The steering is a little more accurate. With the mounting four inches from the side transom that was recommended I was able to reach down in the water to deploy them from the retract position easily (forgot to do that after she was in

Will have to go to the bigger lake and see how she does with more people, gas, rougher water and tubing the kiddos. I will be attaching a picture of them in the water. I was happy enough with the middle recommended position that maybe someday will see what the other positions do. The directions call for a WOT run with a gain in speed. It did that among other things.