Newbie with question
Hi all, my name is wayne and although i'm not new to boating I did just buy my first boat. A 2002 2900 SCR that is in excellent condition. Twin 4.3 BII with 170 hours. I'll be keeping my boat at Pickwick Lake, TN. I just want to say what a great site this is. I think I've read every thread on here and have gotten some great info and ideas, so thanks to all that post and reply! The one thread that I've researched and reread is about those that have the Honda 2000 gen. I'm going to be buying one for my boat and where I have read that most strap down to back on swim platform or up on bow, I was wondering if you couldn't keep it in the engine bay with the bilge blower running to exhaust any gas and carbon monoxide fumes? I"m only asking bc down here in the south it gets hotttt and having a/c running during day on lake is almost a must and putting gen out on swim platform or up on bow will make it hard to hear conversations and radio.
Also, if the gen will only power the A/C from what I have read on here, what are suggestion for keeping the fridge going as well? Thanks in advance! I love this site and I"m sure I"m going to enjoy my new boat and will prob have questions along the voyage!