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Old 05-20-2013, 01:41 PM   #1

shrew's Avatar
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Default I Finally Launched

I finally launched this Sat. It was good to be on the water, even if it was a cool breezy weekend. I took the boat out for a short run and she ran really well. Unfortunately, i also found out
that after the last two hurricanes, the power on the dock is shot and there is no power available. They already removed the stanchions. They tell me they have new ones ordered but work won't start for 5 weeks. (UGG).

Nothing like planning ahead. Now is a great time to start a project like that. All of a sudden work in the yard came to grinding halt. More than half the yard if full of boats. Most of them are still shrink wrapped and I saw nobody working on their boats to get them ready this weekend. The people who are in are running portable generators. Not many folks in now, but I can imagine what 20 - 30 of those things is going to sound like.

Now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to manage power use and replenishment.
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Old 05-20-2013, 02:40 PM   #2
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Good to hear....at least you are in the water deal with all the other problems day by day.......or weekend by weekend. I would like a good excuse to go out and and buy a Honda ei 2000 genny haha. Shrew you are in the water

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Old 05-20-2013, 04:28 PM   #3
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Glad to hear you are in the water, that's most of the battle. How is the rest of the marina resources, bathrooms, pool, ...etc; up and running?
1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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Old 05-20-2013, 05:10 PM   #4

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I have a Honda 2K with the inventer, so that should work. We were doing the math, as long as we stop using the fridge, we should be ok. All the lights are LED, so there will be very little power consumption. I think we're going to run on the House Batteries to try and get the Alternator to recharge them, then use the genny to top them off. We're just going to reply on keeping food in the cooler. It will be a bit annying because we keep ALL the food in the fridge. It's not the meat that is the issue, it's the ketchup and mustard, mayo, pickles, cheese, etc. The stuff that we don't really bring back and forth. that is going to be a huge Pita.

As for the facilities, everything is fine. clubhouse etc. It's just the docks. I joked that we're going to see alot of people hanging around the TV room and great room in the clubhouse this summer.
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Old 05-20-2013, 09:23 PM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 327
Lightbulb More than one way to skin a cat.....

Originally Posted by shrew View Post
I have a Honda 2K with the inventer, so that should work. We were doing the math, as long as we stop using the fridge, we should be ok.

Do like we used to do when I had my 2300SCR on long weekends away from dock power; wrap dry ice in news paper or throw a block of ice in the fridge in a plastic container to collect the water from melting (we even did both at times). Another trick is to freeze 1 gallon plastic water bottles then stash em in the fridge to supplement the cooling. After they melt you can refreeze them or provide drinking or cooking water onboard.

Hang in there.

Bella Sera 3300SCR Out.
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