sorry did not think about that.
did it in the summer it was ok.
like i say it will pull like hell out of the hole then lose the plot and just rev out.
s, you will think it be over prop with that 23p.remember i was on about is in the summer.but i was thinking props to me for that size boat
a 23p is over the top?.most boats with the same drive have got 19,21p
on them.+that 23 is s,steel type so no give.and i sent it to a prop shop to have it done up.b4 that i did spin it.
but with all 3 props i put on its the same.thats why i stoped buying props for it .run for the rest of the summer.
thats why a valve stuck on the new engine i did.that day it was on plane@4550 for 15 mins and valve and piston kiss

im not mad about the speed .but if its good for it,it will be nice to get up there.
and its sticks in the back of your mind when you get up to 4000rpms .
kiss on the valve.
if i crank the engine by hand 360. and have a mate to see how much the prop will spin on that 360,can i do it like that?.