Drive Damage Update
Ok, I'm just a basket case. I have a guys weekend scheduled this friday and saturday. My lovely wife and kids are going to Colorado to visit her brother and I get the entire weekend to myself with a couple old college buddies. Been on the calendar for 3 months and I'm dying.
All the parts have arrived for the drive rebuild as well as all the pieces and parts to put her back together. The shop is using words like, "I see absolutely no problem or reason we won't have you back in the water by Thursday" but I'm dying here.
Insurance check did arrive and is in bank awaiting gladly paying for the boat to be repaired.
Funny discussion with mechanic yesterday. He said, "Hey I need to tell you that I ordered a new set of seals for the lower part of your drive. I'm getting ready to open it up and clean it really good and I didn't want to run into a bad seal and have to wait on it. So if we need them that will add $60 to the bill."
My Response, "Sean - Couldn't care less about $60 - if you get this damn boat done by Thursday I'll find you $200 worth of lap dances - Christ were talking a $5,000 project screw $60 just get the damn thing done.!!