Bravo 3 vibration
1998 maxum 2800 scr
7.4l with bravo 3
Owned 4 years.
So 3rd trip out this year I was at cruising speed and entering a bay leading into a river.
There was a lot of debris and logs after the recent rain so I just started to throddle down to turn around when the boat felt strange.
Kinda like cavitation and lost a bit of power and vibrated a bit.
Didn't feel anything hit though.
Now the boat labors and vibrates a bit trying to get on plane
Once on plane everything seems fine.
I trimmed the drive all the way up.
Props sent bent that I can tell. Seems fine.
Before I pay to have it pulled any thoughts on what to look for?
Maybe line wrapped around shaft but props spin freely by hand in neutral
Thanks as always for an info provided