Best Way to Combat Rocking and Swaying?
Hi everyone,
Excuse my ignorance here as while I have experience operating powerboats, I'm new to the scene in terms of ownership.
I recently just purchased an 02 Scr 2400 which is a 25 footer. I have her slipped over at Marina Del Rey, CA. Over the weekend I took her out on her maiden voyage mid-day and, while the weather report only showed 2 feet waves or less, I found conditions VERY choppy to the point where as soon as I hit over 20 knots, water would fly into the helm area. The plan was to find a good spot, turn off the engine, and just relax and have lunch. Well, this proved to be pretty much impossible because as soon as we weren't moving, the boat would rock so hard it damn well felt it could cap size in either direction. Needless to say, all 3 of us started to become sea sick pretty quickly and we headed back to the harbor.
My question is, is this amount of rockiness and swaying on the boat to be expected even in the best conditions, or was it simply due to the choppy conditions we experienced at the time? At what size in the boat does cruising and being stationary become reasonable? Should I have opted for a 30 footer?
Again, sorry for my ignorance is this is pretty basic, but the plan is to take this baby out on the weekends and enjoy the sea, but we barely lasted 20 minutes out there before having to turn back and hoping this is not the norm.