Battery wiring question.
Sorry about another battery switch question but I'm curious if anyone knows for sure how MAXUM wires the battery switch.
I've always been under the assumption that both batts will be charging while under way with the switch in either position #1 or #2... But, my buddy had to throw a wrench at my assumption and told me that in position #1 both batts charge but in position #2 ONLY batt #2 gets charged.
I have a cranking batt on#1 and a deep cycle house batt on #2 and typically just keep it on #2 all the time and leave the cranking batt as back up in case I draw down the house batt.
I may be doing it wrong and need to not be so lazy and make the switch before running for the day or swap the batts around.
I probably should just break out the volt meter the next time I'm on the boat and test it.
Boat is a '04 2500 SE.