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Old 07-06-2011, 12:26 AM   #1

seapuppy's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Everett Wa
Posts: 4,681
Thumbs down Bad day on the water...

Hi guys...I hope I can teach someone what not to do on the water.....big time Effup..

ok...lets start over....I had planned a wonderful 8 day vacation...things were starting out not so hot and I probably should have listened to the gods on this one.....
but after several miss steps...we finally got underway for everett...we were late and decided we'd stay local for the nite...had a wonderful nite at the guest doc's at Everett....the winds kicked up so it turned out to be the only smart thing I did...
we got up early and got underway..the water was gorgeously flat....

we headed north up to deception pass where the water was still very nice...
and the winds were mild at best...

we crossed over thru to lopez pass and again ..the water was fantastic...at this point I was really looking fwd to getting to our destination of Brentwood bay marina in BC....but we needed to stop for fuel at friday harbor....
as it turned out...luck would have it that we met up with Puget Mike and his wonderful wife Virginia at the gas pumps....we'd already had our fuel and was ready to go..plus the dock girls were throwing us off the docks....
again..water was really nice..mike and virginia were on the way to deer harbor for thier holiday....
At this point I CANNOT say enough thank you's to Mike and Virginia and you'll see why shortly...

we were on our way to Sidney first to go thru customs and get some veggies....as we were running west..the water started getting really snotty...so I moved closer to an island to get into the lea...I suddenly got very distracted and should have just shut my damned cell phone off..(here comes the lesson guys!!!)....
my cell phone kept going off trying to text me and do some other wierd stuff such as a time zone change and border change....ie canada....
then I was checking my gps to make sure I was heading in the right direction and looked up just in time to see some bull kelp....

this is where all hell breaks loose!!!....it was extreme low tide...I was not far enough closer to the island and I nailed a huge a$$ed rock!!!....huge bang.....boat stopped...alarms going off.....squeeling, screeching metal sounds that rocked my soul....

at this point I checked to see if marsha and the dogs were ok....she was absolutely panic stricken...the next thing I did was check to see if the damage was terminal to abandon ship or can I fight it.....
I lifted the engine hatch and saw water coming in...then I raced over and started a mayday call....at first I thought we were in canadian waters but after I got a bit calmed down I was able to give correct coordinants.....then I hit the DCS emergency button......

within minutes I had 6 boats at my side ready to take us if the boat sank...

we got a boat from the fisheries dept and Zach came aboard and helped get marsha and the kids transfered to his boat....then we established that the port engine was still running but could make way....then vessel assist came along side and gave me an emergency pump to help keep the water at bay...

from there we went to roche harbor....this is where I have to say that roche were jerks...complete A-holes.....we called and called and called and they refused me a dock to loan to stabilize the boat and flooding..so we docked at customs....the custom officer ...a complete jerk tossed us off the dock..I was busy getting the pump going with vessel assit to keep me afloat....
we made it around to "A" dock to see if we needed to get a diver overboard to jam some putty into any holes.....

we made the decision to head over to orcas island where island marine (can't quite remember the name of the marina right now)...was able to pull me out by sling....

let me say at this point ....not only did I have 6 boats come to our rescue within minutes..

but Puget Mike and Virginia heard the call and came from Deer harbor where they were just getting ready to dock.....gave up thier slip to come and see if they could help...not only did they stay with me all the way to getting Wild Whim pulled ...but took us too deer harbor in thier boat...dogs and all...so we could stay the nite at the inn....and then took us to laconner the next morning where my nieghbor came up and took us to get our car at the marina.....
I cannot say thank you enough to mike and virginia for thier support , friendship and caring to get us home and to safety....
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
SSN683 Association member
Par Excellence
2008 Bayliner 340 - "Wild Whim"
I live in my own little world....but it's okay-they know me here!!!

Avid practitioner of the martial art: KLIK-PAO.

Anyone that sez "Size doesn't matter" has never owned a boat!
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