Back from bremerton marina
well..this has been a fun weekend..we got off work friday and headed out in the morning for bremerton marina..the water was nice.....light winds...took us 2 hrs to get there....
met up with Dale and kate in their gorgeous regal 33....beautiful boat...great people to be with on a boating outing...while we were waiting for them to arrive I was talking to a dock guy...when I hear this commotion behind me on the ramp..seems the port of bremerton last winter had issues with ice and put these steel grates on the ramp to shore, which caused this 89 yr old lady to face ran over and helped her sit up only to find blood everywhere on her...she'd sliced her hand open and skinned her knee pretty badly....I had my wife get my first aid kit and got her some first aide...turns out they were from this gorgeous 70ft yacht out on the breakwater dock....well..once I got her all patched up and on her feet...they went to anthony's rest. for lunch...tough old gal..didn't make a squeel or anything...anyway....later after our friends showed up...we went to the same restaurant to see them all in a table waving at me laughing...
well..we had a great lunch..then back to the boat...later sat. NILs showed up with his lovely wife...(danged alzheimers kicked in and I can't remember her name)....sorry nils...but we all met up..had a few laughs..stories...and they went on to their other meetings or events..
next morning we decided to play hooky on monday and we all headed to port ludlow...had a great lunch there on the deck of JJ's and then walked the town....
came home today on nice calm waters and low tides...
hope everyone had a great weekend..
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 
SSN683 Association member 
Par Excellence
2008 Bayliner 340 - "Wild Whim"
I live in my own little world....but it's okay-they know me here!!!
Avid practitioner of the martial art: KLIK-PAO. 
Anyone that sez "Size doesn't matter" has never owned a boat!