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Old 08-23-2010, 09:28 PM   #1

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Default Back from bremerton marina

well..this has been a fun weekend..we got off work friday and headed out in the morning for bremerton marina..the water was nice.....light winds...took us 2 hrs to get there....
met up with Dale and kate in their gorgeous regal 33....beautiful boat...great people to be with on a boating outing...while we were waiting for them to arrive I was talking to a dock guy...when I hear this commotion behind me on the ramp..seems the port of bremerton last winter had issues with ice and put these steel grates on the ramp to shore, which caused this 89 yr old lady to face plant....so....I ran over and helped her sit up only to find blood everywhere on her...she'd sliced her hand open and skinned her knee pretty badly....I had my wife get my first aid kit and got her some first aide...turns out they were from this gorgeous 70ft yacht out on the breakwater dock....well..once I got her all patched up and on her feet...they went to anthony's rest. for lunch...tough old gal..didn't make a squeel or anything...anyway....later after our friends showed up...we went to the same restaurant to see them all in a table waving at me laughing...
well..we had a great lunch..then back to the boat...later sat. NILs showed up with his lovely wife...(danged alzheimers kicked in and I can't remember her name)....sorry nils...but we all met up..had a few laughs..stories...and they went on to their other meetings or events..
next morning we decided to play hooky on monday and we all headed to port ludlow...had a great lunch there on the deck of JJ's and then walked the town....
came home today on nice calm waters and low tides...

hope everyone had a great weekend..


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Old 08-24-2010, 12:42 AM   #2
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SP, I had the opportunity to fly out west for business in Bremerton back in July. It had been 7 years since my last visit and WOW what a nice job the city has done on the waterfront.

Did you get a chance to walk through fountain park and see the PARCHE sail? Kind sad to see her cut up, but cool to see all the awards painted on the side.

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Old 08-24-2010, 01:28 AM   #3

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I took our friends to the museum....you see ..I have a special love of the Parche...I'd been part of the design team at mare island navshpyd and one of my jobs was to install things like MIDAS....AN/BPS-14 radar...and others systems that were classified top secret in alot of the Ocean Engineering spaces...read Blind mans Bluff by sherry sontag....she tells the missions that made history...well...me and a few others were the ones that designed the systems and got them installed...I was all over that sail....along with a bizillion other spaces in the boat..both inside and out....all so top secret ...I couldn't even tell my wife about anything...
well..I took some friends thru the museum and gave them a special tour....gave them insite to the boat and missions....brought back a ton of memories ....I always try to get thru that museum once a yr....
yeah..sad that she's now razor blades...but she helped bring the fall of the soviet union down.........can't do better than that!!..

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Old 08-24-2010, 02:36 AM   #4
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Sounds like ya'll had a great time, Steve. Sorry we missed it, especially from the sounds of the museum tour.
Jim and Angie
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Old 08-24-2010, 03:58 PM   #5
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SP, that's pretty cool stuff. Blind Man's Bluff is one of my favorite books, though I haven't read it in a while. My expertise lies more in the middle of the subs...the part that gets them to all those remote places. Parche had to be one of those boats that could tell some pretty cool stories if she could talk. I did get a chance to work on NR-1 a bit before she sailed off into the razor blade pile. The Navy just doesn't seem to do those cool things like they did during the cold war, or maybe they just don't let us know about it
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Old 08-24-2010, 07:26 PM   #6

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ME..way cool...so you were a reactor plant guy huh???...I started Mare Island in Reactor plant testing code 2340 back in 1980....it was fun but after about 6 mos...boring cuz I did the same procedures over and over again.....

yep..parche had some great stories ....I was involved with the detail design of systems integration and wave guide design.......from there moved on to several other shipyards where I finished with the SSN21 class subs....aka USS Seawolf class....

I actually met Sherry sontag a number of yrs ago....several times...it was great getting to talk to her about a few things and to correct a few of her mistakes about a few stories....but the boat information is very true...

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Old 08-24-2010, 08:46 PM   #7
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Hey there Steve.

It was great to meet you and Marsha last Friday. Both (Joy) and I wished we had more time, but unfortunately that was THE weekend we had committed to several events. I am glad we made the trek over to Bremerton though and got to hook up with you guys. I am still laughing every time i think of you pulling the heater hose out.

I hope you let us know the next time you guys plan an outing like that and maybe we can get Jim and Angie to join us as well.

BR Nils
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:20 PM   #8

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glad you chimed in..was wondering if I'd lost my mind or something..haha...but I get a kick out of showing you kids the in's and outs of the maxums....

too bad you guys couldn't have joined us...we had some fun for sure...
It was wonderful meeting up with you and your lovely wife...hope to sail some with you guys soon..

I'll keep you posted on our next trip...also feel free to come up to everett sometime...

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Old 08-25-2010, 01:47 AM   #9
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Nils - Ya, Steve is a heck of a host. He and Marsha have pulled our fat out of the fire more than once docking in wind and current, and I too couldn't believe the heater hose deal when he did it on our boat, if I see what you're getting at correctly.

We're always open for a trip! It would be great to get together as a group at least once before the weather cools back down around here.
Jim and Angie
2005 Maxum 2400 SE
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Old 08-25-2010, 02:33 AM   #10

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How bout mid/end of sept.......we can get all the guys that are brave enough to hit one more place before the weather goes south..

yeah...gotta love that heater hose trick.,.....

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Old 08-25-2010, 03:10 AM   #11
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I'll have to check out the work calendar for sure, but I'm pretty sure we're in.

Rich and Darby? Are ya'll out there?
Jim and Angie
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Old 08-25-2010, 04:26 AM   #12
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We may be in!
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Old 08-25-2010, 04:27 AM   #13
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That would be swell!

Originally Posted by Nimh View Post
I'll have to check out the work calendar for sure, but I'm pretty sure we're in.

Rich and Darby? Are ya'll out there?
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Old 08-25-2010, 05:00 AM   #14
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We are heading to Gorge for our annual Dave Mathews concert outing not this, but next weekend. After that (as far as I know, I have to double check with the admiral) I would be up for an outing. Jim, you are spot on with the hose! I am still thinking of installing a permanent outlet by the helm, but cold weather never kept me from going to sea. 16 years of fishing in Alaska sort of cured me :-) (The admiral may not agree on that matter though)

Jim, where do you call home port? We are in the water in Edmonds.

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Old 08-25-2010, 01:19 PM   #15
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Nils- we keep our boat at Dagmars in Everett on the hard during the summer. This is our first year there and for the most part really like it.

I'm interested in your plans with the permanent helm heater outlet. There's one down in our mid-berth that we don't use and it wouldn't hurt my feelings to re-route it. A little heat and some windshield fans might take the bite off those 38 degree rainy fall mornings.

Looking forward to some Alaska fishing stories.
Jim and Angie
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Old 08-25-2010, 02:55 PM   #16

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Jim..I can help you with that effort...I installed an H2 heater craft into my 2455 when we had it...worked out great..!!

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Old 08-25-2010, 03:38 PM   #17

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so...what say ya'll about Kingston Marina on the weekend of Sept. 25th..?????

it's an easy cruise and those south sounders might even coff up some gas to meet us all there.....

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Old 08-25-2010, 04:47 PM   #18
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Sounds great on both counts Steve.

Sept 25th in Kingston looks to work well. Maybe this time we can get some on-the-water shots of all the boats.

Checking out the Port of Kingston website, we might want to make sure we have a place to land that weekend. The guest dock looked brand new when we were there a month or so back, so maybe it's just the permanent moorage being rebuilt.

Project Update The Port is currently in the process of updating the marina by replacing the wood walers on the dock, water lines, ramps, electrical system, and electrical pedestals. We apologize for any incoveniencances this may cause for our tenants. The end result will be an updated marina for you to enjoy. Northern Con-Agg is the contractor that installed the new ramps and is currently working on the wood replacement. They are expected to be completed with A dock by the end of week August 20th and will move on to B-dock. Bird Electric has successfully restored temporary power to dock C, D, and E and is working on the new electrical system to docks A & B. If you have any concerns please contact the Office. Thank you for your patience during construction.
Jim and Angie
2005 Maxum 2400 SE
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Old 08-25-2010, 07:23 PM   #19

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slight change of plans....Oct. 1 weekend.....found out I have things going on the pryor week....

so .???..any takers???

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Old 08-25-2010, 07:30 PM   #20
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I'll check with the Admiral and crew.

Now let's talk heaters. Why is there a switch on my main panel labeled "Air/Heat"??? At the helm, there is an "off, med, high" switch that I use to operate the heater while the engine is running. I am of the understanding that the only way I have heat (bar shore power and a space heater) is to have the engine running. So why this switch?????

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