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Old 07-09-2015, 05:12 PM   #1
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Location: Sandusky, OH
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Default 2004 3100 SE - Comments/Opinions???

Hi everyone! My wife and I have been looking for our first "new to us" boat and last year came across a layout we really liked. At the Cedar Point In-Water Demo Show a local marina had a 3200 Bayliner. We really liked it but I wasn't sure on the engine options for the boat and hesitated. It sold in no time. After visiting (with the Admiral) many boat shows and checking out many layouts, her and I still come back to that Bayliner. Now I find the same layout in a Maxum 3100 SE and I understand why (same builder).

This boat is gorgeous. Well maintained and the selling marina is top notch with a lot of local thumbs up.

Few questions:

1. Are twin 5.0 (rated to 260 hp each) strong enough for this boat? I intend to cruise around the bay and out on to Lake Erie. Top end is not a big concern for me but easily getting up on plane with the Admiral (weight unkown), myself (300 lbs +/-), two 60 lb kids and a 20 lb dog. Also our gear, fuel and friends.

2. Comfort - What is the ride like? Smooth in chop? Overnight? Lake Erie always has a chop (2-4 footers). The Admiral grew up camping via tent and later by motorhome. She prefers the comforts and conveniences the larger vessels provide.

3. Handling - How does she steer? Around the docks? I grew up with my parents 31' Silverton with twin v-drives.

4. Fuel - Gas hog or sipper? I'm not expecting to get 2 MPG with this thing, but would like to be between 1 & 1.5 MPG.

Thank you all in advance for your help and advice.


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Old 07-09-2015, 05:42 PM   #2
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Welcome aboard.

I'll address what I can.

1. Number of friends becomes the issue. With just your family no issue. Add 2 friends still think you are ok. After that I think time to plane will increase but not a show stopper. This is just IMO and no real experience.

2. 2 - 4 footers at what period? Should behave like the Silverton did.

3. The Maxum has outdives so the pivot point will farther stern than inboards.

4. These engines will burn between 8 - 10 gallon per hour.

Hope this helps

1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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Old 07-09-2015, 06:10 PM   #3
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if that is the white/blue one in Huron Ohio, it is really nice.
- Skip R Maxum
2002 Maxum 3300 SCR
Twin 5.7 Mercs & Bravo IIs
(No Gen, no A/C)
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Old 07-09-2015, 06:32 PM   #4
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Skip R - That's the one! How do you like your 3300?

Mike - Like I said, I'm not looking for a high top end, just something we can comfortably cruise on with some friends or family. Lake Erie is constantly choppy. 2-4 footers are common in the are I intend to boat. I grew up boating on the Delaware River by Philly, so I am used to traffic and the chop caused by that, but this a large lake that likes to get ornery sometimes.
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Old 07-09-2015, 09:45 PM   #5
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Matty my point was not top end but time to plane. All boats are impacted here as weight increases. This is where I think you'll notice performance impacts more. IMO if typically only 2 guests inaddition to your family you'll be happy after that I cannot speak for you. I.e. Not a rocket but cruisers are not anyway.

From boating on the Delaware you know the period between crests is much shorter than the Great Lakes but the wave height is less. since I have not boated any of them I cannot say how the boat will ride.
1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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Old 07-10-2015, 04:35 AM   #6
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My 3300 is comfortable. had some nice add-ons such as the all the electronics, bait tank. But I would have been fine with the size of a 3100, 3000, 2900, or 2700 for the simple fact that I do not overload or crowd the boat and may have saved a few bucks and put that towards maintenance as I am in salt water or to customizing. I do get my use out of a 2 burner stove which I would lose if going smaller, I am quite an omelet chef.

All the 3300s that I have seen all list to port. we all play heck in shifting things around to balance the load. Some have swapped batteries from port to starboard. Some years I see the genny on either side.

The boat I have fits my needs for a daily use however without a genny I still have not made the week long Catalina trip that I would like too. That ad for the 3100 has a genny and features good enough for anchoring overnight so you should be fine. I still have not spent the time to get portable one and strategize power usage and recharge.

Many adults I know prefer to sleep in the aft berth on the 3300s as it feels more spacious above you. There is plenty of room on the 3300 in the engine room. I prefer a side entrance door vs a mid and the seating closer in the salon than what the 3300 offers. No seat in the 3300 salon faces forward and I think people would feel more comfortable sitting forward or aft vs towards the side during a 20+ mph cruise.

just some comparisons IMO.
- Skip R Maxum
2002 Maxum 3300 SCR
Twin 5.7 Mercs & Bravo IIs
(No Gen, no A/C)
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Old 07-10-2015, 04:49 AM   #7
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I have a 2003 3100 SCR with twin 5.0s and B3s. She has stepped up on a plane with 6 adults, 1 child, 3/4 tank of fuel and the fresh water tank topped off; without issue.
The boat has a lot of space for its size, that is one of the reasons I have owned (4) Maxum boats over the past 11 years, all of them SCRs.
I would recommend upgrading the mattresses though, the first night I slept on my 3100 SCR was a long...long...long night. I don't remember the earlier model year boats I had being that uncomfortable but then I am older too. :-)
The twin B3 outdrives make close quarter maneuvering a snap compared to a single I/O, she pretty much pivots around her stern.
"Firefly" - 2003 Maxum 3100 SCR Twin 5.0L/BIIIs
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Old 07-10-2015, 01:32 PM   #8
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Skip R - I'll come out and hang out on your your starboard rails. That should take care of the listing problem! Sounds like that Catalina trip would be fun. Keep planning and you'll get there. I would love to step right up to something bigger than the 30-31 feet range but want to make sure the Admiral is all-in first. As a camper, she is used to confined spaces but in a campground where you can go for a walk. Not on the hook where you can't get away.

I'm not a major fan of the central cabin entry either but because of the below deck layout, I'm willing to make a sacrifice. Also, the mid-cabin seems to be pretty open and not like your crawling in to a coffin like on most 25-29 footers. I also like the bow access. I was pretty deep in to a Sea Ray 300 (2000) but the biggest turn off was getting up on the bow (small thing for some). I have two kids and don't want to risk them going over the side to get up on the bow and being on the bow was on of my favorite things to do as a kid (when returning to port or just hanging out.

cdhunter - Thanks for the info. That's exactly the info I was looking for! I'm thinking multiple egg crates for the bed. Good to hear about getting on plane with people on board. That is my biggest concern. When we get to the point of the test drive, I've got a few friends my size I will be bringing along for ballast.

Again, thanks everyone for the insights!
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Old 07-10-2015, 11:11 PM   #9
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Get a dingy so you can explore it will be like trails for the admiral
1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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Old 07-11-2015, 12:36 AM   #10
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Mike - Brilliant! Just took her to dinner at a boat-up restaurant. She asked, "When can we pick up that boat?"

Going to take her to the dealership tomorrow.
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Old 07-11-2015, 02:02 AM   #11
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Time to go for it while she is in the mood.
1997 Silverton 362, 7.4 Crusaders
1997 2400 SCR, 5.7 Vortec / Bravo 2

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Old 02-03-2016, 11:17 PM   #12
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What dealer were you looking at....the blue and white one - did you buy it if not why?
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Old 02-04-2016, 10:06 AM   #13
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I was going through South Shore Marine in Huron, OH. Phenomenal service and attention. However, did not buy the boat. The person with the appointment before mine scooped it up. Keeping my eyes open for another one of these.
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Old 02-05-2016, 02:43 PM   #14
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I don't want to be the bad guy here but that's the boat we bought..... We love it so far, we are in Toledo and waiting for spring. We have a summer full of boating to look forward to.... Hope you find one.
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Old 02-05-2016, 03:48 PM   #15
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You bastard...Just Kidding

Really happy for you. It's quite a boat. Wish I had acted faster. This just means that next time you boat over to Sandusky area, we'll have to meet up so you can buy me a drink and take me for a ride to thank me for dragging my heels!!!

Good luck to you and the vessel!
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Old 02-05-2016, 08:55 PM   #16
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HaHa - we are super happy with it - didnt get much time on it last year - first trip to Put in Bay is scheduled for June 15-19th - stop by B dock and i will get you that drink.
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Old 02-05-2016, 09:45 PM   #17
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We had a small four winns 238 vista before this boat (our first boat) and that had a 5.8 265HP volvo penta duo prop - that boat jumped out of the water compared to the maxum. I do know they are completely different but feel they should have been powered by 5.7's 300 mags - fuel burn wouldn't change much and the extra power would be nice. Although the cost of the boat would have been more too. We are happy with its performance overall. It does cruise awesome though 3500 rpm does 31 mph on GPS. I haven't ran it at wide open throttle but during the survey was noted it did 41 mph. We cruise about 3100-3300 @ 28 mph. I still need more experience, playing with trim and getting used to a 11,000 lbs boat - still used to the 238 lol. I ended meeting the previous owner too - he happen to be at Bayview yacht club during our home coming - he took excellent care of the boat and sent me an excel spread sheet of maintenance and winterizing parts list...very detailed. when i had it winterized guy said who ever had it before me took awesome care of it. I will do my best to keep it looking new.

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